Danes Gum - 350W LED

42. days after 12/12 - Time to flush

42. days went by after 12/12 flip..

One of the girls have been looking very mature for a least 5 days.. Now i startet flush, and will cut the first lady Down NeXT week.. the sadly looking plant in the video, have been growing behind the others, and have changed color on leafs for the past week.. they proberly dont take anymore nutes, the biggest girl looks like see could get a bit more but she wont.. now they will get ph-adjusted Water till finish.:leaf:


Been fighting with this meldew and have put up more fans to blow air in closet... a week ago i read some where that bakingsoda, Water and a bit of dishsoap could have a positiv effect. Now i have been spraying with this diy solution for the last 5 days, and it seems to have helped.. im planning spaying them untill the last cut Down. It could give some change in color/look to the leafs but should not have bigger effect in overall process....well.. will have to wait and see.. so far so good.

EC: 2.17 ( now running Water )

PH: 5.5 ca.

Temp / Humidity: 25-26 C. / 38-40%

Video.. (sorry for my "i-just-woke-up" english...):sleep:


thats all for now.. better pics. will come in NeXT week.. :hug::joint:

---------------> :peace: <--------------

Stay Tuned - More to Come...