Dank Box? Eliminating Odour, Carbon Advice


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, looking to hide some smells!

Have been recommended putting together a "dank box" to exhaust two small tents with. Just to confirm I have the right idea, a dank box is basically a box with a fan/scrubber in it used as a central ventilation system?

If so, could I put together a box, cut a hole and install my fan in one side, then for the other side cut a square hole to vent this box but with carbon sheets over it to reduce the smell? I would be using a el cheapo ceiling fan so I dont wouldnt think the flow would be too high, however more pads would slow the flow down.

Carbon pads in question are here = http://www.trademe.co.nz/Pets-animals/Fish/Pumps-filters/auction-379384513.htm

Cheers :joint:


Well-Known Member
Instead just build yourself your own good full size activated carbon filter with cheap by the pound materials available from pond supply stores.
There are plenty of DIY's out there. Some scraps from home depot or just srap metal from wheverever and this:

Like here for $2.99 a pound. Or just google activated carbon suppliers.

Dryer sheets are not going to cut it, and retail doggie pads are not going to give enough carbon at any more than a wastefully high price.


Well-Known Member
I was looking to go the pad route as where i live (not the states) carbon actually runs pretty expensive. Plus I want to avoid the mess of using bulk carbon. Thanks for the suggestion though.

Anyone else have input?