Dank Bud VS. Regular Bud

If I get one of these 600w grow rooms will I get the dank or regs?

I don't understand b/c it seems like everyones only growin the Dank but theres always more Regular shit goin around.

What makes the difference in growing one from the other


Active Member
in my opinion just about and seed can be used to grow a good harvest.a good healthy plant to produce nice buds just needs to be properly taken care of and maintained.i got some reg right now that im growin and its turnin out to be some really nice shit.you just gotta make sure to take care of it the best you can and it should be some bomb shit


Well-Known Member
Its all in how its grown, how much love and effort you put into it. Regs are just another name for commercial weed. The chronic is anything but as long as you are growing it real special like.

Happy Leaf

Well-Known Member
Reg is normally reg because of poor harvesting and no curing I think. It's good genetics so it has the ability to produce dank buds.

If you want to make it dank, you have to care for it, you should find a good grow area with decent ventilation. Feed it the proper nutrients, get some proper lights, there's so many factors I advice you search through the site for stickies with good info.

Brick Top

New Member
"Dank" comes from a combination of genetics (where it all actually begins) and grower skill.

Regardless of what anyone may claim you cannot start with poor genetics and then through a few purchases or some mystical magical happening transform it into quality genetics. Anyone who claims otherwise obviously lacks an accurate comparative to base their position on and have it be able to retain any degree of validity.
You cannot make chicken salad out of chicken shit no matter how much mayonnaise you add to it.
Also remember, you cannot buy your way into Heaven and you cannot buy your way into "dank." Like Heaven it takes knowledge and actions and deeds that eventually when combined will lead you where you want to end up.
Thx every1. I was just wondering b/c I wanna be able to sell it for like 50/100(1/8-1/4) instead of the 25/50 for reg nugs.

Mr Hax

Dude, the only way a seed matters is what strain your crops yield. Your growing process and curing process is everything. You could have a White Widow or Sour Diesel seed, poorly grow it and poorly cured, and it would taste like some regular schwag. The way you preserve the weed and keep it while you're in possession of it determines it's shelf life. Light, heat, and oxygen degrade THC. Air tight, cold (but not freezing (causes water if not completely vacuum sealed. Water also degrades THC), and dark places are the best. Like a mini fridge or something in a GLASS, airtight jar. All you need to keep the dank freshness of your goodies. Happy Holidays people.


there are many determining factors of the potency of your bud the main factor being genetics i mean you can paint a zebra brown but hes still a zebra also the way its grown is a moajor factor if you grow it in miracle grow under an incandesent light may jah have mercy on that plant but if you get a nice light some nice organic soil and treat it like a child...not over care but just tend to its needs it will come out fairly good for instance if you take some shwag bag seed and grow it in optimal conditions depending on genetics it may turn out super dank or just good...imho nothing beats good quality homegrown bud you know every aspect and variable that went into it