Dank here ;) Gardening with Dank 101

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whats that 1st little flower bro?
alpines :D i have some they are the best tasting just small and soft
most of the time they dont even make it to the basket get ate right off the bush
some flowers and a garden i didnt start just moved in a week ago and they stopped taking care of it about a month and a half ago got the tomatoes staked up and the beans trellesed today and weeded almost 2 rows
thats a before gimme a few days and ill give some after shots
Someone round here mentioned getting a kiddie pool to sit your ladies in if you ever had to go away for a few days. Not a bad idea if I say so myself. ;) I am thinking about just hooking a few lines up to my DWC & running a few lines for a drip line :) they should be just fine for a few days, maybe even a week without any food. If not I may have to take the rooted clones out of the DWC & just go ahead & place them into soil as the medium. Im not wanting to do that though, however I only have just 2 time being vs my other ladies. Dont want to loose all this work. lol
now thats a good idea!!! how are you tonight Dank? been quiet over here..
HOT damn we have some lettuce!! :) We will have some corn round here b4 to awful long :) YUM YUM!! SAY IT WITH ME C.O.R.N. ;) corn.jpg haha
Yeah the land i decided to put the garden on was WEEDS hostas huge 40 foot long evergreen bush that was outta control.. after removing it nothing really grew till this year i tilled bat guano'd the shit out of it raked it let it rain for days on it and went to planting.. My gardens going good and the grass is finally growing.View attachment 3175395View attachment 3175396
Yeah the land i decided to put the garden on was WEEDS hostas huge 40 foot long evergreen bush that was outta control.. after removing it nothing really grew till this year i tilled bat guano'd the shit out of it raked it let it rain for days on it and went to planting.. My gardens going good and the grass is finally growing.View attachment 3175395View attachment 3175396
Very nice. Looks like you're putting the love in, haha.
Very nice. Looks like you're putting the love in, haha.
Every day i tell ya and battling a 70ft oak that fell a few weeks back.. just got all the brush picked up since some was dry. Burned it all up. trunk is around 30" diameter and my darn chainsaw is only 20" but most of tree is hollowed out due to carpenter ants. Damn mother natures creatures... Oh well.
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