Dankroots 600w De 4 bucket RDWC


Active Member
Hello fellow growers, always wanted to take a shot at some DWC goodness and finally took the plunge. This is a test run for the new system im building, Waiting on 2" bulk heads, to kind of get a feel for things. Currently building a DIY UC 4XL system.

So lets get rolling

10'x6'x9' room
Sun system Ac\De reflector
Solis tek digital matrix 1k ballast
Solis tek 1000w de hps
Solis tek 600w 6k de mh
Ecoplus 1/4hp water chiller
Ecoair 7 commercial air pump
8" Hyperfan
Stealth ro 100
8gal ropak DIY UC 4XL RDWC system
Dual micro pore air diffusor .25 micron

Running a tangie clone i took off an old flowering mother 2wks into flower. Should turn into a nice bush once she takes foot. Have water chiller set to 65f, water stays between 63 - 67f at all times. Ph swings between 5.5 and 6.5ph. Im running aqua flakes at 270ppm [500scale] to start off. Also runing some dutch master zone at 10ml.

Shes starting to pop so nice white fish bone roots, the older roots are stained and brown. Dont think its rot as the rez does not smell like shit, not sure but new roots are starting to grow so thats a good sign in my book.

Thanks for stopping by, feel free to throw ideas at me as im always up for new ideas. Wish me luck lets see how this goes.

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So i built the 2" manifold for my DIY under current. Came out A+ The 2" bulk heads should be here on the 7th ☺ have 5 8gal ropak buckets, thinking im going to run the 13gal ones instead, gives me a little more room. Not sure yet. Going to run 26" plant centers.
My girl looks really stable and im getting some serious root growth now. Tried running with my tap but really screwed things up. Now running ro and its makeing things go smooth.
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Swapped lids and put her in her new home. The netpot was submerged about half way up the net pot. Took about 2 gallons out to right below the netpot for now. I did a little reading, and was suggested the water level be right under the netpot. My question is, is this correct or is it ok to submerge the net pot? Any input would be greatly appriciated.


Shes getting her color back and is starting to look good. Super excited as i checked the tracking for my 2" bulk heads and they should be arriving tommorow. Finishing the system tommorow and than its time to fill up and start this baby up. Have 3 more tangie clones that are rooted and ready to go.
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Please delete this thread, my younger cousin got into my room and pulled my baby out of the netpot and killed her. Im so pissed. Will be starting a new journal soon.