Understand completly!! On the other hand, at times somtimes I really don't "feel" like waiting on how long "Sativas" do take to do there thing!! The end reward is worth it, & don't get me wrong, I like Sativas just as much as Indicas. But just like with growing, like said, somtimes I feel like growing a Indica over a Sativa, for that very reason. Being low on smoke, & not wanting to run out like a month maybe two before my Sativa gets finshed! Thasts "my" reasoning for liking the "Indicas" just a tad more then the Sativas. Somtimes you feel like a nut &u somtimes you don't!!

but I do have a few "pure" Sativas that I like just as much as some Indicas.. I don't know if you can understand that, but that just how I feel.. there's bound to be someone that feels the same...
