Dank, those girls are looking beautiful as always, and very frosty too.

Speaking of cold floors, that blue sheathing for houses in the 2" variety works super duper. It is exspensive though,but very durable. I could walk on it and it did'nt hurt it a bit. One thing though, don't drop a cherry from a cig or a blunt or such on it as it does'nt tolerate that at all. LOL So how is everyone doing tonight? I hope my little ditty finds everyone well. Looks like good ole michigan is going to plummet below zero again

I'll tell ya its getting real old real quick. Plus I seen on the news were supposed to have another clipper come through on thursday. Booooooo Hisssssss Lol Well take care everyone and try to stay warm, i've got a newbie that needs some learnin so I suppose I'll mosey on over to his thread so he can 20 question me to death. Later.....Jointed
Ps: Hope you get your puter fixed Dank