Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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YUP.. #1 , a super male is a male that may or may not turn hermie but looks like a female in its structure. Resulting crosses/seeds will have a high % of female, (it did not say if the pollen from the super male was used on another plant or if the pollen from a male was used on the female pistils on the super male, so this will be on part of the project.

# 2 super males when crossed with other plants is suppose to produce a plant that has very high thc and cbn levels, again it does not say if the super male pollen was used on a female plant or if the pollen from a regular male was used on the female pistils on the super male.

Super male?
YUP.. #1 , a super male is a male that may or may not turn hermie but looks like a female in its structure. Resulting crosses/seeds will have a high % of female, (it did not say if the pollen from the super male was used on another plant or if the pollen from a male was used on the female pistils on the super male, so this will be on part of the project.

# 2 super males when crossed with other plants is suppose to produce a plant that has very high thc and cbn levels, again it does not say if the super male pollen was used on a female plant or if the pollen from a regular male was used on the female pistils on the super male.
Dammit, now I feel stupid.. :lol:
I got so mad I chopped it right after it showed sex.. I was wanting it to be female so bad.. Oh well.. I learned my lesson.. Nothing I can do about it now. :sad:
YUP.. #1 , a super male is a male that may or may not turn hermie but looks like a female in its structure. Resulting crosses/seeds will have a high % of female, (it did not say if the pollen from the super male was used on another plant or if the pollen from a male was used on the female pistils on the super male, so this will be on part of the project.

# 2 super males when crossed with other plants is suppose to produce a plant that has very high thc and cbn levels, again it does not say if the super male pollen was used on a female plant or if the pollen from a regular male was used on the female pistils on the super male.
I'd love to try some of that!
are you doing the Dew babe? lol its 4 am ;)
HAHA... its all good bro. Like you said, we live n learn.. Next time though, seriously If you get a male that looks like a female, use that sucker!! You'll see exactly what Im talking about.. There just better to use, then say a off the wall male, or a "bag seed" male.. Those (rarely) have any characteristics we want.. Know hat I mean? There allot bigger/bushier/ look squaty/etc. Huge stalks. some color, etc. You'll know bro. He will look like a she.. haha
Dammit, now I feel stupid.. :lol:
I got so mad I chopped it right after it showed sex.. I was wanting it to be female so bad.. Oh well.. I learned my lesson.. Nothing I can do about it now. :sad:
HAHA... its all good bro. Like you said, we live n learn.. Next time though, seriously If you get a male that looks like a female, use that sucker!! You'll see exactly what Im talking about.. There just better to use, then say a off the wall male, or a "bag seed" male.. Those (rarely) have any characteristics we want.. Know hat I mean? There allot bigger/bushier/ look squaty/etc. Huge stalks. some color, etc. You'll know bro. He will look like a she.. haha
Yea, check out the stalk on HIM! Of course I topped it for four main tops.
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