Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Its cool. We'll figure something out.. The housing market sucks so everyone rents.. Its hard to find a place also with so many going income based.. Its retarded, they are literally bringing the projects into the inner city. Oh well.
Yeah I know what you mean. Hell, we lived in a condo back in 2000, it was income based too. Beautiful place and community. We were paying $750 a month for a 3 bedroom, upstairs/downstairs with deck and there were folks paying $1 to live in similar units.o_O
:) well, I tell ya what. they seem to be easier to get to the product, also they are allot cheaper ordering in bulk. I got 30 x of those for like 10$. that included shipping. A really cool guy I recently started talking to is saying he will work with me on them. 100x for only 20.. That price includes s&h also :) Hell I think thats a really good deal.. Just found out we got our test prints back on our t-shirt line today. They look really good. But I feel that the fella is asking WAY to much.. We was quoted 650$ give or take for 50 shirts. So needless to say I really need to locate someone thats willing to work with us on this end on that issue. :)
hey send some of those new containers my way, I'll let you know if they are any good. Haha. ;)
:) well, I tell ya what. they seem to be easier to get to the product, also they are allot cheaper ordering in bulk. I got 30 x of those for like 10$. that included shipping. A really cool guy I recently started talking to is saying he will work with me on them. 100x for only 20.. That price includes s&h also :) Hell I think thats a really good deal.. Just found out we got our test prints back on our t-shirt line today. They look really good. But I feel that the fella is asking WAY to much.. We was quoted 650$ give or take for 50 shirts. So needless to say I really need to locate someone thats willing to work with us on this end on that issue. :)
That's awful high...you should be able to find somebody cheaper than that.
Yeah I know what you mean. Hell, we lived in a condo back in 2000, it was income based too. Beautiful place and community. We were paying $750 a month for a 3 bedroom, upstairs/downstairs with deck and there were folks paying $1 to live in similar units.o_O
I mean we are willing to pay 900, but they say we make to much.. I mean seriously? At least we will always pay our rent on time like we always have.. They get government monies to fix the place up and have income based rent, but they go the extra and turn the whole complex into it for free money.. This is just stupid and it makes finding a place that much harder..
What site did you say your genetics are on, Dank?
And you are right about mp. The forbidden word that you used pretty much described their predisposition toward you, or at least that's what I got out of it.
Hell yeah.. A must.. You have to send me pictures & info on this. I have the DWC going now myself. However Im just using it to take cuts, get um rooted really quick & transplant to soil. :) it seems to be working really good considering I took a cut off the Power Pie & she rooted in a 3 day time frame. :) PIC_1477.JPG PIC_1476.JPG
I've got that 6 bucket system I showed ya before. When I get the new gear I'll get the riots out and be sure to put DR in at least 1. I will also run a PM, K.A.S.I., and for the other 3 I'm having hard time deciding cuz they all look so damn good. Any others you'd like to see in there?
I mean we are willing to pay 900, but they say we make to much.. I mean seriously? At least we will always pay our rent on time like we always have.. They get government monies to fix the place up and have income based rent, but they go the extra and turn the whole complex into it for free money.. This is just stupid and it makes finding a place that much harder..
Thats some seriously fucked up bullshit. Folks that can't or won't work living high on the hog while folks that do, can't live where they want. Some fucked up shit right there.
if i floor it coming out of the drive im doing 70 mph at the first bridge to the lake here :D
Haha! :D go amigo!! lol

Gotta pack up the 'puter, getting picked up in five. I'lll be back on in just a bit ;)
see ya'll soon
SHOW us all of them :) haha fire it up (thread) hell you know I dont mind others posting their shots on my thread bro :) haha
I've got that 6 bucket system I showed ya before. When I get the new gear I'll get the riots out and be sure to put DR in at least 1. I will also run a PM, K.A.S.I., and for the other 3 I'm having hard time deciding cuz they all look so damn good. Any others you'd like to see in there?
I do believe some one had told Stew they had 1 of our Purple Berry Yum Yum (males)... damn.. I am working my ASS off for that very reason.. haha Working on these feminized so guys dont get a hold of our "special" males.. ;) know I mean bro? haha I do believe the fella said he was shooting back some of the pollen though.. Very thoughtful of him. Im very thankful there's still honest guys/gals in this world.
loops good luck with that journey
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