Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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oh it is..I'm a cheap to feed now LOL don't take much to fill me up..., just the problem with nausea right now, whenever I eat. I just felt like I needed to hurl and I've not had anything to eat in a few hours. Its like I get sick from not eating and sick from eating. lol!! o_O
Need to smoke that indica.. Great for nausea and appetite. I used to have that problem when I ran out of weed. My appetite wouldn't let me eat cause I always ate while I was high. But I found out a solution that works wonders.. Turnip greens restores your appetite. :wink:
Need to smoke that indica.. Great for nausea and appetite. I used to have that problem when I ran out of weed. My appetite wouldn't let me eat cause I always ate while I was high. But I found out a solution that works wonders.. Turnip greens restores your appetite. :wink:
Turnips? I don't know about turnips..lol I'll eat some cabbage and collards though!!
yeah I do need some indica...I need to stop feeling so blah..lol I have a lot to do man..joining the gym that just opened up here next Tuesday. I'm super stoked about that, haven't had access to my machine since I moved. Time to get this body back into shape and in better working order :) I got a lot of living left to do ;)
Turnips? I don't know about turnips..lol I'll eat some cabbage and collards though!!
yeah I do need some indica...I need to stop feeling so blah..lol I have a lot to do man..joining the gym that just opened up here next Tuesday. I'm super stoked about that, haven't had access to my machine since I moved. Time to get this body back into shape and in better working order :) I got a lot of living left to do ;)
Well, I meant the greens not really the turnips themselves. :wink:
These always work for me and their already seasoned for you.. Sort of spicy but not to much
haha that reminds me.

When I was at the grocery store earlier I walked past the peperoncini peppers and my mouth started watering. I had to get some more.. These were the damn things that squirted on me the other day. :lol:
I should say at least I used to. I don't know what I can eat anymore really. Its like learning your taste buds all over again. Some things are the same as before and others, are totally different and make me blah. Like Mahi Mahi. Loved that stuff! tried to eat some and it wasn't happening.

I'm enjoying some BBK in my vape right now. This stuff is awesome.
I should say at least I used to. I don't know what I can eat anymore really. Its like learning your taste buds all over again. Some things are the same as before and others, are totally different and make me blah. Like Mahi Mahi. Loved that stuff! tried to eat some and it wasn't happening.
So is your problem you just cant get your appetite back?
hell I dunno, I guess that's it. Honest to god, I just want to be able to eat something and hold it down without pain or otherwise. Shit sucks. I hope I don't lose too much weight. That would suck worse.
Yea, try the greens. It helps with digestion which is what sounds like your issue is.. Once you get your digestion back on track you should be golden.. It never takes me long, maybe a week or so. This time around I didn't have that issue cause I kept myself from snacking while I was high when I had weed. It worked to. No messed up sickness or loss of appetite. That has been one of my issues and since it didn't happen I can stay away from buying bunk weed and just deal until I get a harvest.
I need more protein but I can't drink the shakes anymore. They are what started me trying different things, when the time came.
Nice lean meats have a good source of protein. Meat that doesn't have the lines in it.. Its more expensive cause of the less fat content, but it pays off in the end with muscle building and energy.. Potassium would be good as well.
Yea, try the greens. It helps with digestion which is what sounds like your issue is.. Once you get your digestion back on track you should be golden.. It never takes me long, maybe a week or so. This time around I didn't have that issue cause I kept myself from snacking while I was high when I had weed. It worked to. No messed up sickness or loss of appetite. That has been one of my issues and since it didn't happen I can stay away from buying bunk weed and just deal until I get a harvest.
that's good advice. I've been so focused on the protein because of muscle wasting, that I didn't think about it. Thank you!! thats cool, I think I will get some frickin turnips or collards tomorrow. I remember a good while back I had gone on a collard kick. I was literally craving them.
that's good advice. I've been so focused on the protein because of muscle wasting, that I didn't think about it. Thank you!! thats cool, I think I will get some frickin turnips or collards tomorrow. I remember a good while back I had gone on a collard kick. I was literally craving them.
You're welcome..

I just know how awful it is to be going though it.. I've been there so many times and needed to find a solution and that has worked for me every time. Good luck, I hope it benefits you like it does me.
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