Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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I just rebuilt my ecig with a new coil.. Damn this thing is hitting hard as hell now. :lol:

I need to make some liquid based thc for this thing.. Wonder if that would work? I have no clue.. May just end up messing something up if I did that. haha
You would want to use PG (propylene glycol) as the base. I watched a video on it once, dude had it in a glass jar in water in a pot on the stove. Just got it warm enough to steep the thc into the PG then mixed that with some VG and used it.
You would want to use PG (propylene glycol) as the base. I watched a video on it once, dude had it in a glass jar in water in a pot on the stove. Just got it warm enough to steep the thc into the PG then mixed that with some VG and used it.
Hell yea. Gonna have to check that out.. Be out getting fried without anyone being the wiser.. Would really be cool while I'm in class. haha
You sound like my sister. :lol:

She even called me to setup her internet when she moved. Comcast was supposed to do that for her, but nope, guess who did it instead. Yep.. :lol:
Lets just put it this way..he's a Peace Officer, babysits seriously bad criminals for a living. Law abiding citizen. But he lets me smoke my weed and never bothers me about it. Even at his house :) lol
Hell yea. Gonna have to check that out.. Be out getting fried without anyone being the wiser.. Would really be cool while I'm in class. haha
Yeah that's my intention is to make my own ecig liquid with my grow. That and edibles and maybe even some dabs ;) I'll get there. Been watching all you fine gentleman do ya'lls thing for a long time now. I'm that one that sits quietly in the corner and pays attention to detail. No, not really quietly but I do take a lot of notes ;)
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