good gosh! Have any of you had a night to where you try & try and no matter what you just can't sleep!??

?: I don't get this! Lol. Was tired, been up now going on 30 some hours, still can't sleep!
Anyways, I thought since I was up, I may as well be productive & post another little update on two girls that I've taken a shine 2..
The 1 on the lft in the picture is Casey Jones, the 1 on the rgt is Wild Rose. I went ahead & moved all the other girls so these 2 could get atleast a good dose of the LED b4 having to go back into 12/12. This will be there 2nd night/day of 12/12. Really excited about how there going to do, how big they'll get! I've had plants look like this(there structure) b4 & they got flipping huge! Lol.
There both in 10 gln containers, so they have plenty of room to grow, on the back side is 3 F3 Royal Queen's. Those 3 are vegging now, there in smaller 1gln planters, I plan on keeping atleast the best looking 1 back to keep on going, (vegging) and replanting the other 2 and then flowering. I may need you guys help as to which 1 looks the best outta the 3..

?: I will get a shot of just those 3 here this eve and I would like if "everyone" voiced there thoughts on which 1 you think would make a "better" keeper.. if you could do that, I will dish out a +rep to those that do..

Sound good?
It would be greatly appreciated..
Thanks, Dank.
Ps. The other plant in the picture is China Yunnan. I just turned around & she was sticking out, so I just went ahead & took a pic of her real quick..