Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Well-Known Member
I see you're using some of SNS's products. Which ones?
Yup, they sent me there entire product lineup! For free! As a trial basis. I have yet to try any out yet, but plan on trying the 217C spider mite foiler spray!! I don't have any spider mites! But certainly don't want the little bastards!


Well-Known Member
Yup, they sent me there entire product lineup! For free! As a trial basis. I have yet to try any out yet, but plan on trying the 217C spider mite foiler spray!! I don't have any spider mites! But certainly don't want the little bastards!
I got a sample run from them about a year ago now. They were supposed to have expanded it quite a bit since then though. The mite spray they gave me worked well. I don't remember which one it was, they may have reworked it. I used their PM spray, and it kicked ass; it will burn some plants though, so definitely test it first. Their nutes were mediocre for me, but that was supposed to change. The concentration was really low before, so you used an entire sampler bottle to treat 50gal; clearly not good for cost-efffectiveness. The rep I gave my feedback to said they were reworking the concentration to fix my issue though.


Well-Known Member
I got a sample run from them about a year ago now. They were supposed to have expanded it quite a bit since then though. The mite spray they gave me worked well. I don't remember which one it was, they may have reworked it. I used their PM spray, and it kicked ass; it will burn some plants though, so definitely test it first. Their nutes were mediocre for me, but that was supposed to change. The concentration was really low before, so you used an entire sampler bottle to treat 50gal; clearly not good for cost-efffectiveness. The rep I gave my feedback to said they were reworking the concentration to fix my issue though.
Yeah, from what I've read & from what the rep I spoke with had told me that they havede reworked there products bro.. And that mite spray smells like a rosemary or somthing!! I believe it even has it in its mix! And I was reading on the back of one of the packages, that your suppose to do the "test" on a small area of a plant, so it don't screw your plants up! Hopefully everything will work out with it.. And as far as there "nutes" go, I really don't like there NPK ratio's!! I had ordered a Advanced Nutrients starter "box" to try there stuff out over the weekend! So hopefully it will be here come Tsdy!! And I have placed 3 orders with 3 diferent seed banks also, so I hope they make it here aswell! I've ordered with one of them, but hadn't never ordered from the other 2!! But there "both" well known seedbanks, and get great reviews!! So will see. I will 4 sure keep my fingers crossed not to get ripped off!! I've only got ripped 1 time, and that was in 98' from Amsterdam seed bank. They sent me a floppy disk and I thought well shit, I opened the damn thing up, NOTHING!! Good thing I didn't place a big order with the assholes!! Anyways, I plan on trying to keep all this SNS 2nd pack mite mix for my outdoor plants, to keep all those little shits off my outdoor girls!! Well see just how "good" it does work!! :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Yeah, from what I've read & from what the rep I spoke with had told me that they havede reworked there products bro.. And that mite spray smells like a rosemary or somthing!! I believe it even has it in its mix! And I was reading on the back of one of the packages, that your suppose to do the "test" on a small area of a plant, so it don't screw your plants up! Hopefully everything will work out with it.. And as far as there "nutes" go, I really don't like there NPK ratio's!! I had ordered a Advanced Nutrients starter "box" to try there stuff out over the weekend! So hopefully it will be here come Tsdy!! And I have placed 3 orders with 3 diferent seed banks also, so I hope they make it here aswell! I've ordered with one of them, but hadn't never ordered from the other 2!! But there "both" well known seedbanks, and get great reviews!! So will see. I will 4 sure keep my fingers crossed not to get ripped off!! I've only got ripped 1 time, and that was in 98' from Amsterdam seed bank. They sent me a floppy disk and I thought well shit, I opened the damn thing up, NOTHING!! Good thing I didn't place a big order with the assholes!! Anyways, I plan on trying to keep all this SNS 2nd pack mite mix for my outdoor plants, to keep all those little shits off my outdoor girls!! Well see just how "good" it does work!! :mrgreen:
That's what I used a bunch of their anti pest products for. The mite spray is pretty much rosemary, and thyme oil is one of the other big parts. You'll want a secondary form of mite spray too, trust me. They build resistances quick, so you have to rotate sprays. Where I live in Nor Cal mites are a regular outdoor issue. The things have summer homes here, or something...


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I NEVER do any defoliation!!! I have always herd, & my Dad "always" told me that never to pick or cut off the any fan leaves!! That the fan leaves are necessary to uptake oxygen.

Fan leaves are responsible for drawing nutrients...to the top of the plant. If you cut all your fan leaves off, It is like cutting your drip lines short of your netpots and letting the nute solution bleed out all over the floor.

Fan leaves are also built-in temp monitor/stablizers...
If we veg a plant, and I just grow a "few" of mine without topping it or hacking off (butchering) the Fan leaves and the "grower" decide to top and trim, then top new growth and trim, and again top all the new growth and trim, etc. etc... You're plant is not going to be growing, because it will be transferring all it's energy to repair the damage; And, then to grow new shoots....All the while My healthy will be flowering beautiful Buds.
Growing is all about creating optimum photosynthesis... Once you hack a plant all up...Optimum photosynthesis is hard to achieve..

Just my opinon. Take it or leave it.. :mrgreen:

Kite High

Well-Known Member
leaves let off oxygen and take in co2...but leaves are the energy factories that fuel ALL growth...more the better...the plant will shed inefficient or troublesome leaves on its own...they know better than us....

It is this philosophy I grow by....I cant tell the plants what to do or what they need ...they have no eyes nor ears...but I do...so I look and listen to them and they tell me what to do and what they want and need

and oh yes they do talk and tell you many things...you just need to learn their language...and they do have mouths...check it out



Well-Known Member
leaves let off oxygen and take in co2...but leaves are the energy factories that fuel ALL growth...more the better...the plant will shed inefficient or troublesome leaves on its own...they know better than us....

It is this philosophy I grow by....I cant tell the plants what to do or what they need ...they have no eyes nor ears...but I do...so I look and listen to them and they tell me what to do and what they want and need

and oh yes they do talk and tell you many things...you just need to learn their language...and they do have mouths...check it out


I agree 100%.. And as said my Dad many years back, "boy" he would get SO pissed at me when I would go yanking/plucking the fans off that where either yellowing, or looked shitty! He would tell me that "son" that's just "nature"!! Stop playing her "role"! Lol.. he was a nut!! Old hippie.. :mrgreen:

He also told me that the fans where the "fuel" for the buds! Just like you said! Lol...


Well-Known Member
subbed!looks nice and im looking forward to seeing this finish.
Good 2 have ya bro! And looks like another "FREE" b***. Lol. :mrgreen: I don't mind 1 bit.. I am feeling SO good knowing that's. His strain will be ALL over!! ;)

And everyone one is in 4 one hell of a treat! Lol.. we all will have a ton of variaties to look at, and know just how they grow, what they like, what they don't like, a smoke report on each one! ;) I really like to have a few strains to choose from, so I don't get burnt out on just one or two...

Kite High

Well-Known Member
I agree 100%.. And as said my Dad many years back, "boy" he would get SO pissed at me when I would go yanking/plucking the fans off that where either yellowing, or looked shitty! He would tell me that "son" that's just "nature"!! Stop playing her "role"! Lol.. he was a nut!! Old hippie.. :mrgreen:

He also told me that the fans where the "fuel" for the buds! Just like you said! Lol...
no surprise as i am an old hippy...lmfao


Active Member
I know this is a heated topic lol but I strip my pants thru out veg and a few times in flower. My plants seem too respond well too it but I'm sure one day I'll have a plant that hates it but till then I'm gonna keep doing it.


Active Member
Oh and just too clarify, I dont remove every single fan leaf only about 40-50% depending on how much their shading the lower parts


Well-Known Member
We'll, over the years of growing I have just learned to just let the plant "do its thing".. cause when ya really think about it, NO one was around"way" back in the day, before "man" started messing with plants, and genetics, and so on. And those plants turned out "just fine".. :mrgreen:

Not trying to disagree or anything, just saying "what works 4 me" bro.. ;) and I've also noticed that the "lower" limbs of a plant really don't produce all that much "bud" anyways. I mean don't get me wrong, you will get your smaller "popcorn" buds down low, and that's 4 the most part why I don't lolipop either.

I have & as matter of fact I have one 8 Ball Kush now that I lolipoped. And I do like to mess around with a few strains just to see what they will do, and respond to certain techniques. And I also like 1 BIG HUGE main cola on certain strains aswell. But on the other hand there are strains that I like to top the hell out of!! ;)


Well-Known Member
Most of the time I will do some pruning of lower branches, especially since I grow single cola SOG right now. I do try to leave the leaves though. I have found over the years removing the branches can greatly impact how the plant grows, just like topping it it sends hormones to other parts of the plant instead of to what you cut off. That lower growth that I take off would never normally get any light so I don't feel it is productively working for me. The leaves however are just like you guys were talking about "fuel" and "storage" for the plants even if they aren't getting light they serve a purpose. I've also noticed that if you take fan leaves off most of the time the plant will grow them back to replace what it lost. If you take branches off the plant will just try to grow something else bigger or better.


Well-Known Member

Ok guys, just thought I would let ya know that "Belladonna" has already broke her shell! Damn that was FAST!! Lol.. Hopefully she will "grow" that fast aswell! I guess she'll have to with a "7 week" flowering time.. :mrgreen:

So I posted a picture of her. I hope ya can "see" what I am talking about.. which I checked the pic out b4 posting, & I believe you'll be able to see her crack!!! Lol.. ;)

Belladonna 02-18.jpg
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