What's up everyone

?: Sorry hadn't been on here like I have been.

Just taking a small break.. haha.. Well, had a friend over last night & he ended up keeping me up way 2 late! Shit ass!
Well, still hadn't got to go fishing yet damnit! Lol
Getting the bait now, and then headed to the dam..
* If I do end up catching anything, I will post um up 4 everyone to check out..

I do know 1 thing though! I am NOT going to be cleaning any fish! Haha..
I like to fish, but do not like eating them suckers! Ewww! I will keep to add to the compost pile though! My Grandma taught me that little trick a long time ago! Heck, Dad would just dig a hole throw the fish down in it, then put alittle dirt over top the fish, then stick his plants right in either the ground or 5gln bucket he was using.. Most of the time though when he did do this, he would just yank the bucket and all up in the tops of tree's he had picked previously b4 the grow..
So, if you guys don't hear from me, or if I don't get to your posts, or pm's, I promise its not that I'm ignoring you or anything.. I'm just gone fishing.. haha
I will however be back on later this eve.. I will also be doing an update for everyone..
Y'all have a great day! And wish me luck.. haha