Well guys, as a fews of you may know I wasn't on here much over this weekend.. I had went fishing, I ended up catching 19 fish in all, Small mouth bass,sun perch, & blue gills, oh! And 2 red eyes!

I've also have a buddy up, handnt really got to hang out with much! I've known this friend ever since grade school (8 yrs old), and we've stayed friends all these yrs.. He is an ex grower himself. And honestly, even though we are good close friends, he doesn't even know about my crop! All he knows is that ever once in awhile I will have some good smoke! And I plan on keeping it that way!

even though, I would like to yank him in the grow room, and show him all the ladies, I refrain from it! Cause as I am sure you've all herd b4, the less people know your business, the better off you'll be! And that saying is so true imo!
* side note* I will make up for the lack of updates come round noon 2 mar guys! I promise! You'll see..

Haha! I did have a damn good time fishing though! Hadn't got to really just get out (without the wife) & just hang out with an old friend in years!! Well needed & deserved fishing trip! I will post up a pic of the Small little bass I caught! Haha
So I will see/talk to all of you guys round noons 2mar! Sound good

Hope to talk then..