Damn its been slow as hell in here! What's up with that!

?: lol. Hadn't herd from Bak in a few days! He usually sends me emails from time to time, but hadn't herd anything..

?: hmmm.. has anyone herd from him today or last night

?: hope everythings cool!
How is everyone else doing today

?: good I hope! Yeah, we are planning on either going to SC Myrtle Beach or Va Beach next week! Can't wait! Got a hook up in SC that has some KILLER White Widow, 1 toke shit! Makes me pay 10$ a blunt, which isn't bad! Cause like sais 1 hit & your good! Hell, I didn't know any better & smoked half a blunt 1 yr down there & couldn't even walk hardly! Lol.. my cousin hit it 3 times & started tripping out thinking he was going to die! Haha.. has anyone else ever felt trippy feeling from smoking

?: hell I like that feeling, I don't get that, and haven't for years now! I just get squinted eyes, and get sleepy or hyper depending on the trees I'm smoking!