I know bro! I swear. I just don't get it at all really!! Outta "all" that has subbed to the grow for the b****, you would think that half of them would vote/play along. Shit. I mean where talking about a vote/poll. Not a damn algebra exam!

This is suppose to be fun. Not made to do it or anything! And its for a good cause. I am doing it for people that would like to know just how a particular strain grows,what it responds to,what it doesn't, I plan on doing a smoke report aswell on the strains that has been voted in, the (Belladonna & ?). I am also doing it for the growers that just aren't able to grow anymore, "due to whatever" reason, & so on. And if you look at the page views, verses the "comments" made! Something isn't right! Lol..
* Come on guys * I want to hear your votes!! It isn't goin kill ya to play along. I know your out there!! Haha..
I guess some just like to "peep & tom". Haha.. j/k.
All we need is 2 more votes I believe on one strain, and that's it!! Please help out. Thanks.