Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Hulk, LOL.
I was at the grocery store the other day, and in the kitchenware dept., I noticed they had a red Solo cup looking cup, identical until you pick it up, but it was nice heavy plastic.
I almost got one.
@rosey fuck a DVR the days that breaking bad and walking dead are on.... Its like a national holiday to me. I like the transition of a timid high school teacher. To an all out mafia boss.
YOU GOT THAT SHIT RIGHT!!!! My ass is in front of the tube and everybody knows not to call me or text me cause I won't be answering LMFAO
Yeah, that's what this 1 is. That heavy duity plastic. Lol. Made sure it had "16 ounces" stamped right on the bottom b4 buying it. Hell there only like 58 cent at wall world.. ;)

Thanks everyone for the likes on her though.. much appreciated. ;)


Hulk, LOL.
I was at the grocery store the other day, and in the kitchenware dept., I noticed they had a red Solo cup looking cup, identical until you pick it up, but it was nice heavy plastic.
I almost got one.
Yeah, that's what this 1 is. That heavy duity plastic. Lol. Made sure it had "16 ounces" stamped right on the bottom b4 buying it. Hell there only like 58 cent at wall world.. ;)

Thanks everyone for the likes on her though.. much appreciated. ;)

You earned them!!!! ;) and now I'm going to Wally world for some of those LOL well not literally right now LMAO
Stewy wth man? you've been in and out a lot tonight ;)

wassup my homie, gonna give me a razz of shit about anything tonight???
Good thing Kimmy can drive a 5 speed.:-P
All I can think of as she's smashing the cop cars is Smokey and the Bandit, Jackie Gleason...."What we have hea, is a total lack of respect fo' de law.":clap:
Also amazing how the Mercedes air bags never deployed.
Sorry, being a car guy for over 20 years, I always over analyze movies like that.:o
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