Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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I got an Official letter in the mail DIRECT MAIL not EMAIL. and it was from EASPORTS saying "if I did not remove the illegally downloaded software and have my service provider send a tech out to witness the removal then I would be banned from available service through my current provider"
Fuck Pirate Bay and Fuck ISOHUNT. if you wanna download from torrent sites make sure it's not directly off the internet. you stay safe downloading through a P2P program. Peer 2 peer is the only way to go now when downloading. As long as it's not porn. that's where the viruses are hahahahahah
Shit! I was using Priate Bay and had been for a few months. Well 1 day got an enail from some place, telling me if I kept downloading movies & songs, I would be getting a visit from "other law enforements" other then the local pollice department! And the local pollice department was "named".!! So that got me all paranoid, so I stopped 4 awhile, then changed providers and everything! Went back to doing my thing, and never seen not 1 more email either. Which I haven't downloading movies in a long time. Lol
I do Pirate Bay all the time bro, usually once a week.
Do you do "SE" or SX"?
I can't remember which is the US one, and which is the UK one, but if the US one is down, try the UK one.
I've never had a spammer try and scare me off by sending that 'we will visit shit.'
I do Pirate Bay all the time bro, usually once a week.
Do you do "SE" or SX"?
I can't remember which is the US one, and which is the UK one, but if the US one is down, try the UK one.
I've never had a spammer try and scare me off by sending that 'we will visit shit.'

They are not spammers. they are OFFICIAL emails and letters sent out. because copyright infringement is a Federal offense. not state. that's why his email said NOT local police.
yeah they do! had to download the divx web player first though...its all good, rosey's set to watch..thanks man! great info!

Greasemonkey for Mozilla firefox, Firefox is the only thing it works on. Web player NOT UPDATED, and the Quickstream ICE thing shown at the top of the home page. once they are all installed you can watch NONSTOP all day and night. They USED to have restrictions on what you could watch in a certain time period. but they have removed that rule. :)
So I gotta get Firefox too? geesh... well ok then...

We have to hurry up and update our tv so I can link the movies to it ;)
BAK have you tried the new frostwire?? They have WAY more seeds available for everything. that's why I use them. Is Pirate Bay P2P?? I know they used to just have a FTP to download from. Which is un reliable since it's a SINGLE file put there by an unknown source. They may have changed in the last couple years lol
So I gotta get Firefox too? geesh... well ok then...

We have to hurry up and update our tv so I can link the movies to it ;)

Lol ya. but it is worth it. I don't use it much anymore but that's only cause I pay $150+ a month for FIOS. Ultimate HD package. :)
I hear that bro.. well when I was doing all my dl's, I would use the SX. But I've used the SE aswell. Took me 4 ever to get an invite to the Bay though! I had a friend send me his info, so I was dl under his name & all that. Lol. Then he got pissed, and told me I had to make my own acount & shit! That's when I got that damn email telling me that shit!!
I do Pirate Bay all the time bro, usually once a week.
Do you do "SE" or SX"?
I can't remember which is the US one, and which is the UK one, but if the US one is down, try the UK one.
I've never had a spammer try and scare me off by sending that 'we will visit shit.'
BAK have you tried the new frostwire?? They have WAY more seeds available for everything. that's why I use them. Is Pirate Bay P2P?? I know they used to just have a FTP to download from. Which is un reliable since it's a SINGLE file put there by an unknown source. They may have changed in the last couple years lol
I don't know all that shit bro, you'd have to educate me.
I D/L a flick I likem, watch it a couple times, delete, then maybe a week later, D/L another one.
I don't know all that shit bro, you'd have to educate me.
I D/L a flick I likem, watch it a couple times, delete, then maybe a week later, D/L another one.


With it you can download just about everything you can think of. AND you can make it available to view with other WIFI connected media devices(Smart TV, smart phone, blue ray player, dvd player, anything with wifi access and "sharing capabilities")..... When you search you search for torrents, or if you want ONE song you'd search through music. I buy a lot of CD hard copies. but I have 129 band/artist/group DISCOGRAPHIES!!!!! like 4+ CD's a piece at a MINIMUM. lol... I am all about FrostWire. :) just give it a look see and maybe you'll wanna try it out.
Watching a crazy movie I haven't seen in a little while. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. :) weird shit.

Bak- if you do decide to get it or anyone else gets it PM me and i'll give you my username and hook up my 2TB HDD and let you guys run wild through my harddrives LOL.. I'll have to seed everything I got and deal with laggers but I don't mind sharing EVERYTHING I got with any of you :)
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