Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Ok here is the other set. Still have a few more to post once I find the time. The Peyote Purple,Royal Queen, & Ice. All pics have the strain names listed as always.

Ps. Sorry it takes soooo long to load pictures guys..

that first pic of the WW/BB made me shiver!!!!! woohooooooo! the purps are lookin good too baby!!!! hell they all look good, all the time ;)
Guys.... Got 2 hurry & go.. Just found out Mom had 2 go to the hospital! :( In icu. Not telling me much time being! I will let everyone know what's going on, when I find out..
On way now. There saying she is liver failure. :( that & saying that the cancer has spread.
I am going to get a 2nd opinon. I knew she had cancer, but not spreading....

Thanks guys..
I'm outta here. Will let y'all know an update as soon as I know more.
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