Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Thanks. That was during my time home bro gesh.. lol.. I have 2 do something 2 keep my mind off it all.. ;) and taking care of them,taking piics & talking with you guys is my way.. lol
I'm not being a dick bro, and I hope it doesn't happen like it did to me, but after I had my G-ma moved home like she wanted to be to die, she sent me across town, just 6 minutes away to get her best friend, but when she awoke, and saw her brother from Cali that I had driven 2 hours to the airport to pick up,, and her fav. window with the view of the yard and valley, what I understand is she let out a sigh, clenched her brother's hand, and that was it.
I got the call as I was in the driveway, putting her friend into my truck, and couldn't even be there for her.
And you 2 bro.. Damn glad 2 be back for a few! Just got home about an hour ago. Mom was in and out most of the day bc of all the pain meds they have her on now. I don't want her in pain, but on the other hand I would like to see her beautiful eyes, and hear her sweet voice 2.. know what I mean :??:

Yeah... Sorry to hear about all that bro. We're all here for you......
OK, we had our prayer for Dank yesterday thanks to BEECH, I'm calling for our shot and/ or hit (as I will do) tonight, along with our best wishes for his mom.
I'm not being a dick bro, and I hope it doesn't happen like it did to me, but after I had my G-ma moved home like she wanted to be to die, she sent me across town, just 6 minutes away to get her best friend, but when she awoke, and saw her brother from Cali that I had driven 2 hours to the airport to pick up,, and her fav. window with the view of the yard and valley, what I understand is she let out a sigh, clenched her brother's hand, and that was it.
I got the call as I was in the driveway, putting her friend into my truck, and couldn't even be there for her.

Oh I know bro.. I didn't even take it like that.. ;) Hell, you know me.. I'm a laid back easy going fella. And trust me, if they "at the hospital" would let me stay all night with Mom, I would be there her every waking second. But they won't let me stay, nor my step Dad. Which I don't understand. This is the 1st night I've got to be home "early", and be able to get on for a few. Know what I mean :??: ;)
I plan on going back at the butt crack of dawn! So I more then likely won't be on in the morning, nor the eve. But come night, I should be here. Just all depends on how the day goes really, that & when I get home, and how I'm feeling. Hadn't had but a few hours of sleep since the day I had found the news out.. been drinking coffie, and Mt. Dew like water the past few days!! Gotta have my go go juice! Haha.. And no not that kind of go go.. haha.. ;)
OK, we had our prayer for Dank yesterday thanks to BEECH, I'm calling for our shot and/ or hit (as I will do) tonight, along with our best wishes for his mom.

Thanks bro.. Really mean a lot. And I told Mom that there's people all over praying 4 her, and that there thoughts are with her. She opened her eyes and smiled and said that's nice, I can always use prayers.. ;) then she dozed back off 2 sleep.
Oh I know bro.. I didn't even take it like that.. ;) Hell, you know me.. I'm a laid back easy going fella. And trust me, if they "at the hospital" would let me stay all night with Mom, I would be there her every waking second. But they won't let me stay, nor my step Dad. Which I don't understand. This is the 1st night I've got to be home "early", and be able to get on for a few. Know what I mean :??: ;)
I plan on going back at the butt crack of dawn! So I more then likely won't be on in the morning, nor the eve. But come night, I should be here. Just all depends on how the day goes really, that & when I get home, and how I'm feeling. Hadn't had but a few hours of sleep since the day I had found the news out.. been drinking coffie, and Mt. Dew like water the past few days!! Gotta have my go go juice! Haha.. And no not that kind of go go.. haha.. ;)
Fuck that shit bro, when my G-ma was there before she wanted to go home, they didn't want me to stay since I wasn't "immediate relative", IDK why grandson is not considered "immediate" but just like I told security outside when they told me I couldn't smoke, 'My grandmother is in there, fuck off.'
After telling a few of them that, I never had any further problems.
Thanks bro.. Really mean a lot. And I told Mom that there's people all over praying 4 her, and that there thoughts are with her. She opened her eyes and smiled and said that's nice, I can always use prayers.. ;) then she dozed back off 2 sleep.
That brings tears to my eyes man, remembering the same thing.
My grandmother told me she was OK, and go ahead and make the drive to pick up her brother.
When I got back, she was all fucked up and barely aware of who was in the room, even calling her sister in law's son in law a diff name, and I was un ceremoneously escorted out by 5 security guards.
Dank..., Duuuuuuuuuude...I had no idea that your mom was going through some difficulties. I feel for ya man, and I have been there several times so far in my life. However, I'm glad that you are there for your mother, as we were for both of ours. Just keep being there for her...and you. Rock on Brotha! Peace
Dank I know I don't know you as well as some of the others(We all stick together) But I just wanted you to know my prayers go out to you and your family
Dank..., Duuuuuuuuuude...I had no idea that your mom was going through some difficulties. I feel for ya man, and I have been there several times so far in my life. However, I'm glad that you are there for your mother, as we were for both of ours. Just keep being there for her...and you. Rock on Brotha! Peace
Thanks bro.. Means a lot. Yeah, there giving her 3 weeks to live, because the cancer has spread so bad all over her body... I do know that she'll be in a "better place", and in NO more pain... that and the fact that I'm there 4 her, and the ganja is the only things keeping me straight. Well that and you guys, knowing that all of you are here 4 me.. ;)
Dank I know I don't know you as well as some of the others(We all stick together) But I just wanted you to know my prayers go out to you and your family

Thanks bro.. Means a lot.. ;) I don't KNOW what I would do if I didn't have all you guys to talk with about everything! Glad that your all here 4 me. ;)
My grandmother told me she was OK, and go ahead and make the drive to pick up her brother.
When I got back, she was all fucked up and barely aware of who was in the room, even calling her sister in law's son in law a diff name, and I was un ceremoneously escorted out by 5 security guards.

I hear that! Yeah, that's the way there keeping Mom now. But the Dr had said that her pain has to be SO unbareable, that its best if she did stay like that. But on the other hand, I don't want the last time that I talked with her to be day b4 yesterday... I had asked him if he thought she would stay like this the rest of the time she is alive, and he said that she should build up a tolerance to it, and be able to stay awake. I sure hope so!!
Thanks bro.. Means a lot. Yeah, there giving her 3 weeks to live, because the cancer has spread so bad all over her body... I do know that she'll be in a "better place", and in NO more pain... that and the fact that I'm there 4 her, and the ganja is the only things keeping me straight. Well that and you guys, knowing that all of you are here 4 me.. ;)
Not to give you false hope; my grandpa was giving a month to live, and he suffered through 3 years of kemo and horrible pain killers. When my dad finally said "just smoke a fking joint" he felt so much better, no zombied, it was great. I could see it change him. It was so late in the theropy that cannabis wouldn't do any help physically, but he felt like a normal person again with his grandkids. You could see it in his face, he was pale but had life in him. Can't explain the heart I got for you Dank.
Awww.. ;) Yeah, Mom smokes (every once) on awhile. If "I have Blueberry".. lol. That's why I was SO after Blueberry Yum Yum, and have 4 going now for her.. ;) Just hope she gets to smoke with me again.. Love you 2 bro.. All you guys! Y'all are like my 2nd family..
Not to give you false hope; my grandpa was giving a month to live, and he suffered through 3 years of kemo and horrible pain killers. When my dad finally said "just smoke a fking joint" he felt so much better, no zombied, it was great. I could see it change him. It was so late in the theropy that cannabis wouldn't do any help physically, but he felt like a normal person again with his grandkids. You could see it in his face, he was pale but had life in him. Can't explain the heart I got for you Dank.
dear dank, i just heard from a friend here that your having difficulties, i am goign to personally messgae you later, I need to run to the store now but I posted a little something for you in the solo cup contest thread, please head over there if you have the time, if not i completley understand and I will be back ASAP to personally message you so we can have a talk, i have alot of love for you man and i really hope you and your family gets through this..I know i dont know you very well but just from what ive seen here i know you are a good person and you and your family deserve another chance at sitting with your mom and laughing and loving even if its one more time... i really hope your feeling better and i KNOW your mom will be okay, do not think negative for a second because something bad happening is out of the question, i will be back soon to personally message you and we can chat more then if you want and if not thats OK to. either way I love you man and its all going to be cool for real. :peace:
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