Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Well-Known Member
Wonder where everyone is at :??: its been funny that none of the guys hadn't been on here cutting up like we had been in the past.. :??: ever since Smokey stopped coming round, I really hadn't seen anyone of the older growers. Odd, wouldn't you say :??: also what's very odd is I really hadn't seen Smoke on but got an email from "someone" who maybe using his phone, wrote Hey. That was it. Also, I hadn't seen him on here really. Been hearing some crazy shit about what all had happened 2 him 2.

I don't know, maybe I'm just paranoid.
Didn't you get the memo???? we're ALL paranoid here LOL
hey sugar, do tell the story...we're all dying to know :)


Well-Known Member
How you been doing bro :??: Sorry I didn't get to call you back the other night. Got busy at wal-mart and lost track of time. I will give you ha hollar round the noon tomorrow (if that's cool) :??:


Well-Known Member
Kudos to you Dank it looks like you're one hell of a farmer,the indoor variety I mean. Just curious but what do you use for lights? Thanks


Well-Known Member
Kudos to you Dank it looks like you're one hell of a farmer,the indoor variety I mean. Just curious but what do you use for lights? Thanks
;) Well hello. Glad 2 see your interested in my grow. I've been growing for around 15 yrs total. 10 or so just growing, and the other remaining years breeding/crossing strains. I use a mix of sorts (nutrients) with each set of plants/strains I run. * Meaning switching back and forth sometimes with Organic & Synthetic nutes. Don't 4 get 2 flush in between :mrgreen:

On lights I currently am using a 800 watt LED system, and also a 600 watt HPS/MH system, with numerous CFL'S laying around for bottom growth.

I am getting ready to get in a 1000 watt MH/HPS system to add to it all. ;)


Well-Known Member
Didn't you get the memo???? we're ALL paranoid here LOL
hey sugar, do tell the story...we're all dying to know :)
Paranoid :??: after all that we've all been through :??: and "paranoid" now :??: lol.
Are you serious :??: and on the story, just was wondering why a few of the older guys hadn't been round here on the thread is all :??: like Ninja, Reck,Bak,Black Jesus,Chronic, on and on. Trying to be suttle here.. lol


Well-Known Member
;) Well hello. Glad 2 see your interested in my grow. I've been growing for around 15 yrs total. 10 or so just growing, and the other remaining years breeding/crossing strains. I use a mix of sorts (nutrients) with each set of plants/strains I run. * Meaning switching back and forth sometimes with Organic & Synthetic nutes. Don't 4 get 2 flush in between :mrgreen:

On lights I currently am using a 800 watt LED system, and also a 600 watt HPS/MH system, with numerous CFL'S laying around for bottom growth.

I am getting ready to get in a 1000 watt MH/HPS system to add to it all. ;)
I've been growing for about 3 years and don't do much experimenting as I can only grow 4 plants at a time and always want to make sure I harvest enough for my wife and I with some to spare. Usually get about an oz a plant of good quality weed I only use feminised seeds as well. Nice to meet you so to speak. As an aside I grow in a 27x27x70 tent with a 400 watt digital ballast MH/HPS .


Well-Known Member
So how are your strains lookin Dank? Some people might be missing but I'm on from 9am to however late I decide to stay up, and that's my schedule everyday unless I got a thing here and there haha :)


Well-Known Member
Paranoid :??: after all that we've all been through :??: and "paranoid" now :??: lol.
Are you serious :??: and on the story, just was wondering why a few of the older guys hadn't been round here on the thread is all :??: like Ninja, Reck,Bak,Black Jesus,Chronic, on and on. Trying to be suttle here.. lol
there you go again lol...no silly, not literally, it was a joke that we were all 'paranoid' to an extent because we are growers :););)


Well-Known Member
Who's here for a party tonight? I know I am! hell, this is the first we've all been on in a while give or take a few, BAK!!!!


Well-Known Member
Asshole...just wait!!! I'm whoopin your ass when I see you!
:shock: Well its hard keeping up with not just 1 but 3 emails, pm's, updates. And etc' from a slow ass phone! Lol. And I am trying to keep up, but its just not working 2 well. Doing the best I can with what I gots. Haha.. ;)

So keep your panties on, and bare with me.. haha
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