Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Well-Known Member
yeah i know. just didn't want names and messages being read. hahaha I can sound more stupid in those than anything else LOL :)
thanks though :)

I also need a better camera. ;) My close-up are going to be terrible if i can't get that shit sooon.
Not sure nothing but microscope shots will cut it for flowering this damn tent. :)

take care everyone. I'll be back in an hour or so. LIKE USUAL.


Well-Known Member
Hahahahahahahahahaha CLEANED!
yer lucky I like you otherwise I'da bitch slapped you like I do Stew!;) haha how about that rep man???? LMFAO


Well-Known Member
those buds look amazing man...glad the links worked for ya...I think I'm gonna get off of here for the night. I'll catch ya'll tomorrow..or later tonight, when I wake up with a cramp in my foot or leg LOL
(the usual case) I wish I could be anywhere except for where I am right now :( later buddy

later Stew!!!

bird dog

Well-Known Member
Those are some nice trich pictures there dlf...it looks like you are doing a great job with such a new scope/camera. It also looks like you may be doing some chopping within a few weeks! Rock on bro.

BTW...Can anyone tell me where smokey has been lately?
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