Hello everyone.. How's it swinging

?: Hope your ladies are loving life, and growing big & strong 4 you!

Been busy,busy, and a third time BUSY today.. haha..
*Just to let everyone know I decided to go ahead and take the Purple Voodoo#1 today. I got to looking under the 420 scope and seen her trichs at I would say 60% cloudy & 40% amber which is right where I like um.!
The seed production didn't take all that good on her for some reason!

I still ended up with a few, but not much..
So, my thoughts on that is with these other 3 I have going, + the 2 cloes I have of the PV#3 & PV#2 pink pheno, hopefully atleast 1 will end of a male out of the new 3 in veg! Please keep your fingers crossed with me on this guys!

If not and they all 3 end up females, I guess I will have to break out the CS b4 to long and start spraying 1 good branch.. Hoping I don't have to being that's a LONG process!! Pain in the ass is what it is honestly.. lol.
I went ahead and broke the piles while I was trimming PV#1 into two piles as you can see in the photo's. #1 pile is the larges sugar leaves for like a "mid" grade BHO. Pile #2 is the "top" grade trim that was close to the buds and packed with trichs! So I will run those 2 seperate then the others when I make my BHO. Which hopefully won't be 2 much longer! All I'm waiting on is the extra $ to purchase the butaine then its on!! Would like to get some 5 x refined butaine, insted of plain old stuff purchased at wally world. Want this BHO to turn out KILLER!
I have a really good amount of trim left from all my previous grows of just being on here (RIU). As you can see in the photo. This isn't my entire stash of trim either. Most is in the deep freezer..

just a chillen.. haha
* Note.. I also wnet ahead and placed the Grape God & Pure Kush into the flowering period. Today marks 1 full week of the tests. I was conducting on those 2. Which I will still be conducting all through flowering.
On the next test I plan on doing the same trial run, just using 2 (same strain) clones off each of the mothers. I plan on going ahead and LST'N both of the PK & GG tonight as soon as I am finshed with this update.
If anyone has any questions at all for me, you knows what to do..