Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Well-Known Member
Ha you got the promo. I hate the fact that I get paid on the second week of the month. I've been missing some good promos. I was soooo pissed I missed RD lucky dip promo.
Fuckin Dank got 2x his order! lol... Just sent me a text, because his tracking # was updating with mine. and sure enough today he gets his attitude order. Which is a double send, since he got one a few days ago lol!


Well-Known Member
popped a round through my .50 black powder to check the scope i hate this gun reload sucks balls
have to swab it between shots to make sure there is no embers still in the barrel before you drop the powder in
no chance for a follow up shot its heavy and awkward but it gets the job done i guess


Well-Known Member
Fuckin Dank got 2x his order! lol... Just sent me a text, because his tracking # was updating with mine. and sure enough today he gets his attitude order. Which is a double send, since he got one a few days ago lol!
That's so fucking cool, man. But, ughh, how come everyone but me seems to be having such great luck lately? I mean first my neighbor gets free samples of cereal in the mail (and won't share), then fucking Drew Carey gives away a new Camaro and $35,000 to some random douchenozzle that will probably just sell the car for blow, after driving it around town to score trim like ONCE. And, now this. ::sigh::


Well-Known Member
i went about 300-350 yards in stepped over about 20 yards and repeated for hours i heard him flop in some brush found where he did then blood like he was lung shot im sure he was federal mag buckshot does some damage and then rain set inohh well they been shot at 2 days in a row and keep coming back maybe i have a case of buck fever i dunno never been a problem before
Whereabouts is your property? Northwest region (White Tail)? What's the biggest buck you've come across out there? It's pretty wooded on our lot. Biggest I've seen around here recently when I've gone fishing has been 4 pointers. I can remember one year a buddy of mine pulled a 6. Fucker was heavy.


Well-Known Member
Fuckin Dank got 2x his order! lol... Just sent me a text, because his tracking # was updating with mine. and sure enough today he gets his attitude order. Which is a double send, since he got one a few days ago lol!
LOL that man has a horseshoe stuck up his ass or somethin;););)


Well-Known Member
Whereabouts is your property? Northwest region (White Tail)? What's the biggest buck you've come across out there? It's pretty wooded on our lot. Biggest I've seen around here recently when I've gone fishing has been 4 pointers. I can remember one year a buddy of mine pulled a 6. Fucker was heavy.
north texas louisiana area
someone pulled like a 50 point non typical last season

in texas a 12 point dresses out to 50- 75 lbs
in louisiana a 10 point may dress out to 90 or more
depends on if you're in the hills and which side of the river you're on
texas deer have been bred for racks
louisiana deer have alot of fallow in them sometimes teeth will show 10+ years old and it will still have spots but a normal white tail rack not the moose caribou rack like the fallow some of them get big but have shit for a rack this lil spike that i lost prolly would have dressed out around 60 -70 lbs i dont care much for the racks they taste like shit IMO


Well-Known Member
Detoxing off methadone
shits harder to kick then anything

i went to go bump my feeder it takes a couple days for the light sensor to figure out the cycles
its automatic
and sure enough i spooked deer walking up
so i guess the herd is still around sounded like the coyote's got my spike they went to howling and yelping a few hours after i gave up looking
same direction pretty much the deer ran


Well-Known Member
Any progress on the brew front?
Nah not yet, I bought a triathlon time trial racing bike. I'm training this winter for some road racing in the spring. Buying pieces for the brewery as I have funds. I will get there eventually, in mean time I will have to buy my beer in a bottle like the rest of the world.



Well-Known Member
Is that movie good? Saw the first one, it was good I guess ;)
It was pretty good. The second one takes place before the first one, it's in the perspective of the family with the first born son, the sisters family of the girl in the first movie. When it connected the two together I lost it.

Very good to watch if you have seen the first one, puts more meaning into the entire first movie.


Well-Known Member
Thats whatz up nice bike, man around where i live theres alot of bikers and i swear to u some of them think there cars and u have to stay behind them and not pass, fuck that i got places to be, shit really pisses me off, i mean i like riding bikes to but if a cars comeing im getting over to let them pass u know, wtf is wrong with these dudes
Nah not yet, I bought a triathlon time trial racing bike. I'm training this winter for some road racing in the spring. Buying pieces for the brewery as I have funds. I will get there eventually, in mean time I will have to buy my beer in a bottle like the rest of t

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