Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Well-Known Member
I'm with you guys. Hope no bad turns of events have happened to you or you fam dank! Very unusual to see no posts from you for this long!


Well-Known Member
I'm sure his interwebs are just down. His wife prolly cut him off for ordering to many seeds lol :). But I do look forward to his return so we can see how some of those strains finish!


Well-Known Member
I am also concerned, but I remember a while back, he was having computer problems and was posting everything from his phone, so I'm hoping it's just something dumb like that.


Well-Known Member
Alright guys, sorry for not relaying this message sooner to you guys...
Dank's computer is still in the shop for repairs as the shop is apparently run by an autistic retard and has a computer lab run by mentally handicapped monkeys.
His phone was his only way of accessing the internet, and has not been able to afford the phone bill because of some financial situations that popped up.
I'm in contact with him and all is well, and he hasn't forgot about any of you or your seeds.
I apologize for the inconvenience/delay on Dank's behalf.
-Black Jesus


Well-Known Member
Alright guys, sorry for not relaying this message sooner to you guys...
Dank's computer is still in the shop for repairs as the shop is apparently run by an autistic retard and has a computer lab run by mentally handicapped monkeys.
His phone was his only way of accessing the internet, and has not been able to afford the phone bill because of some financial situations that popped up.
I'm in contact with him and all is well, and he hasn't forgot about any of you or your seeds.
I apologize for the inconvenience/delay on Dank's behalf.
-Black Jesus
Lazy fucker........
You couldn't have told us last week???????;-)
You got MY number.........Peeps been asking me if Dank was OK too.........
I don't mind, actually I think it's good we are all looking out and sincerely concerned for the well being of our friends here.:clap::clap::clap:


Well-Known Member
Lazy fucker........
You couldn't have told us last week???????;-)
You got MY number.........Peeps been asking me if Dank was OK too.........
I don't mind, actually I think it's good we are all looking out and sincerely concerned for the well being of our friends here.:clap::clap::clap:
I lost your number because me and the girl split and she took the phone! :neutral:
Sorry about that bro.
And yeah, I think that this thread right here proves that rollitup is a lot more closely knit than other cannabis forums.
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