Small quick update guys!! This is on the babies. The 4 I just started the other day! They all had grew up and almost outta the dixie cups!!
And so I decided to go ahead & replant them!! When I say replant them, I'm not talking about in there final pots! I am talking about reburrying those STEMS!!! Its a MUST in my book!! And I've done it as long as I have been growing!! I have seen some growers let there tiny babies come up, & be like 2 to 3 inchs tall or more!! And them not do 1 thing about it!!! And there little babies just can't handle it!! All it would take to fix it is a quick reburry & water with a mild mix of a "superthrive" or "thrivealive" mixture, so the little ones don't go into transplant shock!!
So I went ahead and got out my handy "screw driver" lol, you can use just about anything to do this with, pencil,screwdriver,your finger,whatever!! Take your tool you've decided to use and simply loosen the soil around the small plant without touching it!! Loosen the soil,or coco,or whatever your medium be, and have out a "moist" paper towel to lay them on,carefully not to damage there roots!! Take your tool, make your hole deeper & wider so you can fit the little rootball back down into it. As long as your "carefull" your babies will be just fine!! I've even herd of some growers "pruning" there roots!! But you wouldn't want to do it with your little babies!! This is my method I use when I reburry my little ones. When it comes to doing this with the bigger girls, you would do almost the same! Just have a bigger planter, a "new" home so your girls can grow bigger and expand those roots!! Happy roots = Happy plants!!

When I do this I have noticed after say a day or two in there new homes, they look a lot happier, & fuller, & all there leaves are standing straight up!!! As if there excitied to be in there new home!!!

if you take care of your babies, they'll take care of you!!
Well, I hope you guys don't think that its lame or anything! Was just trying to stress the importance of not letting your new babies get so tall they fall over & die!! We wouldn't want that to happen!! Cause you know that's plant abuse!!
Well guys, I will try to post a few more pics tonight! If not, I will 1st thiing in the morning! Thanks 4 reading!!
Your friend, Dank..
PS.. in the pictures are the Purple Voodoo, & the Skunk #1.
Also the last pics are of the Chemmy Jones. She is 2 weeks old!! And looking good if I might add! Look how tight her nodes are!! Shewwww.. boy is she stinking so good!!