Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Well-Known Member
Haha.. Thanks bro.. Yeah, the Berry Bomb is 4 sure A+ top sheilf quality, NO doubt. Now the Afghan even though good would rank around 2nd sheilf tree, being 1 best, 2 . Ok. 3. Could be better. I've purchased trees such as the Berry Bomb years back and paid 25 a gram back then. Lol. Really surprised me where they both turned out so good.
looks as top knotch as can be,those look like the same broke sizzors as mine,lol.


Well-Known Member
Shew guys! Its been 1 of those mornings! From the 1st post I made this morning a lot has went down! It just go to show us how quick things can change! I was getting my little 1 (youngest daughter) ready 4 school and was brushing her hair, and she started slumping over on me. I told her to stand up straight and to look at me. Well she decided she was going to fall over. At 1st I thought she was playing around until I seen her fall out and into the wall. She passed out. Turned blue/white, and I scooped her up and put her onto the couch. By the time I had got my shoes on and coat, I got back into the living room and she had passed out again! So I got her coat on and shoes and out the door to the hospital I went! Put the car in the wind!! On the way to the hospital she passed out again making it 3 times she had. We got there and they ran all sorts of tests. All came back normal. So they scheduled a apt with a ped Dr on Friday. So guys PLEASE say a prayer for my little baby Laken. ;) Or send good thoughts her way..

Thanks guys..



Well-Known Member
Thanks bro.. Yeah, I sure hope to GOD it isn't her heart and just 1 of those things kids do at times. She was a preemie at birth weighing only 1.7 oz. ;) she is alittle fighter and has already went through a lot more so then some adults I know. Had open heart surgery at 1 week old. She's been doing good (other then what happend this morning).


Well-Known Member
Jeez man I hope things turn ok bud. My little girl woke up last night sick and throwing up. Thats bad enough I can't imagine being in your shoes this morning. Lots of positive vibes headed your way.


Well-Known Member
Thanks bro. Shew. Yeah, we've had that issue go on here aswell. We had both our girls wake up puking. Lol. It was a huge barf factory! Lol.. Yeah, the little one is now taking a nap with her mommy. Mom went ahead and took off work to be home with her. I know it sure scared the HELL out of me when she did it all. I was shaking all over, and couldn't grasp what was going on with just had waking up myself. She ended up passing out 2 more times on the way to the hospital on me, so that's when I put the car in the WIND!! She sais she is feeling better now. TG! I just hope everything is ok with her little heart!


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys 4 all the thoughts & comments. I do believe I am goin take me alittle nap now myself. Day is just getting started 4 some. Lol.

However I will be back on this eve with updates 4 everyone. ;)

Hopefully will al talk then..

Thanks 4 following..


bird dog

Well-Known Member
Hey folks. Wondering if everyone else is having the same problem as me, where I cannot upload pictures from my computer. It gives me the URL option only!


Well-Known Member
Hadn't tried honestly. Been worried about my youngest daughter. She had a passing out spell on me this morn. Had to take her to the hospital.
Hey folks. Wondering if everyone else is having the same problem as me, where I cannot upload pictures from my computer. It gives me the URL option only!


Well-Known Member
Shew guys! Its been 1 of those mornings! From the 1st post I made this morning a lot has went down! It just go to show us how quick things can change! I was getting my little 1 (youngest daughter) ready 4 school and was brushing her hair, and she started slumping over on me. I told her to stand up straight and to look at me. Well she decided she was going to fall over. At 1st I thought she was playing around until I seen her fall out and into the wall. She passed out. Turned blue/white, and I scooped her up and put her onto the couch. By the time I had got my shoes on and coat, I got back into the living room and she had passed out again! So I got her coat on and shoes and out the door to the hospital I went! Put the car in the wind!! On the way to the hospital she passed out again making it 3 times she had. We got there and they ran all sorts of tests. All came back normal. So they scheduled a apt with a ped Dr on Friday. So guys PLEASE say a prayer for my little baby Laken. ;) Or send good thoughts her way..

Thanks guys..

Dehydration? Mono? both of those have made me pass out multiple times before.

Hope she's OK bro.


Well-Known Member
Sorry if you've tried to hit me up. No minutes. Haven't had much for money lately(Damn car)

Fuckin girlfriend switched all her shifts this week to day shifts so I can't even work on the car till friday, sunday and money.........
Sunday and monday are both supposed to have rain. so I'm stuck doing this all friday. YAY lol


Well-Known Member
so i think my purple haze is in its second week of flower
took forever to flip
is it normal to show trichs this early ?
ill get some pics after 7 pm when the lights come on
i have some pruning to do anyway have about 20 or so sucker's i want to remove for ventilation
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