Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Well-Known Member
Reported for shitting on the Site.LOL
Heres my new lighter,werks awesome!
Wonder why someone would take a picture of a pile of stank!! :??: lol

hello dank, hope your doing well today. i sent you a couple e-mails, but never heard anything back from you.
Hmm. Hadn't got a one of them.. Been having issues. The phone has been saying error logging in when it tries to bring up new emails. Just started that today. Hadn't checked them from the computer. IDK maybe something isn't in synchronization or some shit. lol and wouldn't have the 1st clue on how to fix it.. I guess I will just have to start checking my emails from now on on the computer.. Was glad to hear from you on here though. Hope your doing good buddy.

Hey Dank wanted to say Happy New Year Buddy! Been a year of ups and downs, but its over now :) woot! I'm excited for 2014 hope you are to man. I'm very excited to grow out my very first cross, I just harvested the first few seeds the other day from my little momma.
Hey bro! Shit.. Its been more down then up's this past yr for me. Hopefully things will start looking up this coming 2014.. One can only dream, huh :??: ;) Anyways enough about you. How have you been doing bro :??: Glad to hear you made your 1st strain/cross. Its fun as hell in my book messing around breeding them.. :mrgreen: Now if I could ONLY get our seed bank up and going in 2014, that would be my #1 dream come true and I wouldn't ask for 1 more thing.. lol

happy newyear dank and family
Thanks & Happy new year 2 you 2 bro. Hope you have a damn good 1. Did that order you was talking about ever make its way 2 you :??:


Well-Known Member
Have a killer New Years Heave, Dank, Stew, Rosey and all my wittle Danksters.. <3 you guys. Have fun. Be safe.


Well-Known Member
Thanks bro. You 2.. ;) was good hearing from you..
I've been a big lazy butthole lately. I'll do a huge update when I make it home, come by and show you how fucking gnarly the girls are coming along. I've been dropping night temps super low, for that purp-pitty-purple-show-show-good-times. Soo stoked.


Well-Known Member
Well shit guys. I gotta eat, and mix up a batch of veg & flowering nutes. Goin watch some WD, then jump back on and do my daily updates. :) Hope to see/ talk 2 you guys/gals then.. have fun tonight & please be careful if driving.


Well-Known Member
Well shit guys. I gotta eat, and mix up a batch of veg & flowering nutes. Goin watch some WD, then jump back on and do my daily updates. :) Hope to see/ talk 2 you guys/gals then.. have fun tonight & please be careful if driving.
Since my phone is back on I'll check in all evening, it turns out I'm goin downtown for the festivities there,
Darla and me, Thelma and Louise style!!! ;) wish me luck, I'm gonna need it! :) :) :) hahahahaa

Oh didn't get an email babe..


Well-Known Member
Happy next year. Haha nothing new about it. Just gonna have the same ole shit happen again like this year. Lol
Start a crop.harvest a crop. The cycle continues. ;)

bird dog

Well-Known Member
Happy New Year to all of my friends here on dank's thread. We are going to a night out to moderate drinking and dancing. I hope all of you are careful tonight if you are driving. You folks are great! Peace


Well-Known Member
Anybody ever notice amber trichs on sugar leafs early into flower?
I mean so many that I had to take a mag, and look closer because it made the leaf's closest part to the stem look brown like a burn or bugs.
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