What up

?: Been taking a few ladies down, and getting ready 2 transplant more!! lol.. Yeah it sure has been dead round here huh

?: haha... It took me 4 -ever to update and reply to everyone..

Its all good though..
2 quiet..

Naw, looks like things really picked back up.. DAMN!! Almost 50,000 LIKES GUYS!!! Holly hell....
Just watched it last night..
Me 2 bro..

super HIGH!!
Shewww.. Orca is just a wee tad exspesive for Danks blood. lol.. I just go to wally world (hunting section) and get those 1.49$ thermal blankets. Works ok..

I would say better then flat white paint .. just my opinion though..
Hell yeah we got some snow.. haha.. Kids havent went to school for the past 3 days.. Ughhh..
Yeah, same strain.

That was a loonnng time ago. Learned my lesson (RIU) rules where bashed into my head... lol
Naw just been busy as hell..
I really didn't enjoy it much myself.. Maybe if I where high tripping I would've..
who's jay jay

?: lmfao....

?: you had toothpaste balls

?: haha... j/k bro.

Thanks. Sorry I missed everyone..
Thanks bro. Glad others think of me that way. Wasn't like that before I started toking though. Was always afraid to drink on a regular basis. . Known alcoholism runs in the family....
Funny haha..

Whats up Buckwheat

I am..

?: Remember, its not all in how big you are. Dad always said the bigger they are, the harder they fall.
your funny.

har har.. lol
Wished I still had some PV.. ;( she's flowering now though.. GOT WEED

?: lmao

paste balls.. hahaaha