Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Damn.. I wished I had a titty tat now.. So I could buy her some Tidy Cats. ;) that isn't a bad idea honestly. Beats paying those ridiculous prices for something similar anyways. lol :clap: I may just buy 1 for the hell of & donate the litter to the shelter. :)
Yea, we have two cats and just picked up that exact little for 12 dollars.. The bucket is mine afterwards. I actually bought it for that purpose.. Here are my demons, they are well behaved and trained.

Im glad you feel that way. its not everyday you meet good people. Not to mention ones that wont bite your head off if you have a miss hap. Hey, I know. Let me tell you about something I did not long ago. I was using good ol' FF lineup & had got me some "Bud Blood" & thought I would add alittle of that shit into a gallon of water & feed. WRONG!! And I didnt add much either. I think I added like 1/4th a tsp to a gallon of water then ph'd & tested my ppm's. Ppms was reading fine. What it was was where I had been using the combined nutes it gave um a tad to much of 1 certain npk . And as most know I have been growing for a long while. Just shows everyone old timers can make fuck ups to. Nothing wrong with being a newb. Hell we all started somewhere. :)
Yea, imagine this. I used to spend a lot of time in the politics section, right up until that dick UB started talking shit about my family and now I want to end him. :lol:

But yea, I almost made a mistake this grow.. I had my gallon of water sitting in front of my tent and I was about to water my seedling with it and decided to check the ph first... Oh man, I guess I had some nutes marinating in there cause the ph tested at like 8.4.. I was so glad I didn't pour that on her.. She would have been pissed. haha.


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I think I might be a tad far along to do anything drastic to help root growth maybe on my next one but it seems to really be pushing those buds I think im around 2-3 weeks inCAM01410.jpg
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