Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Yeah, its kinda harder then. When you have the still "little one in your eyes" keeping a close eye on the youngers ones. Then that's the times you call the "other" set of inlaws to keep an eye on um.. and when we 1st had to start doing this, taking our alone time, it made me feel bad! But then I knew that if something didn't give I was going to go freaking NUTS!! Lol.. so that's how it all come about.. ;)

lol kno exactly what u meen....we look 4wd to when kids go to bed ......my boy is 4 and girl is 8.......
Hey bro, tried ya again where ya had said you had some free time, wasn't able 2 get hold of ya again! Good lord! I give up. Lol.. why have you been so hard to get hold of! :??: lol..
Hell, I am the sameway at times I guess. Either just busy, or don't feel like talking. Why is that when you just want alone time, that's when everyone in there brother either stops in, or calls/etc' !! :??: never got that 1.. lol..

Well, guess I will try you 1 more time in about an hour or 2 to see if I can get hold of you then.. if not, just give me a hollar when you got some extra time to shoot da shit.. ;) hey still hadn't seen that bro.. hope everything is ok with it... dangit!!! That's going to really set me wayyyyy back!! Lol. Its all good though.

woah noaw,
im just chilen finally hwve a bit of free time ,,,whats up,
these two are 16 and 12, and pretty much live at my house. they don't like going home with their mom. their dad passed away 10 years ago, so i'm more like a father to them then a grand father. it just gets old at times and i have to slow down and cool for awhile. the grand son brought three large mouth bass in for us to clean, two good 5 pounders and one around 2 1/2 pounds. nothing like getting a buzz and cleaning fish, and i don't even eat fish. o well i'm gonna get a shower and get another buzz to watch some boob tube. like i said earlier sorry for the rant.

I understand what your saying bro! I know how that life is myself. Don't have any grand kids yet! And better not 4 awhile!! Lol.. me & the wife have to "make time" for ourselves! We tell the kids to pop a movie in & we go to the "bedroom" and have our alone time. ;) even if its just snuggling, or snooky, or watching a flick on da tube, whatever. I got to my breaking point about 2 yrs ago, and we had to come up with our "alone time".. ;) and the kids KNOW not to mess with me & momma when the do not disturb signs on the door knob.. :mrgreen:
The oldest is 17 & the youngest is 8! Big age diference and trust me bro, all they do is fight!! So I do know what your going through.. your not alone. I would make a "night" yalls night! Where its just you & the wife.. get an older kid to watch the younger one/ones.. ;) haha..
these two are 16 and 12, and pretty much live at my house. they don't like going home with their mom. their dad passed away 10 years ago, so i'm more like a father to them then a grand father. it just gets old at times and i have to slow down and cool for awhile. the grand son brought three large mouth bass in for us to clean, two good 5 pounders and one around 2 1/2 pounds. nothing like getting a buzz and cleaning fish, and i don't even eat fish. o well i'm gonna get a shower and get another buzz to watch some boob tube. like i said earlier sorry for the rant.

Hey! I am going to send ya a pm! Hang tight 4 a sec.. thanks..
Well guys & gals I am dog tired! I am smoking up & passing out! Lol. Glad I got 2 speak with those of you that posted in the thread 2 day. Hope y'all have a great rest of the night! ;) hopes to talk to you 2mar.
Later, Dank
Hey Dank, sounds like you had a long day today. I've been real busy in the fields here finishing up on row crop (corn and beans) and gathering large round hay bales (152 of them), and pulling volunteer trees in our CRP fields for planting. You should see the dirt here...it looks like Fox Farm stuff. Wish I could do a large scale grow on one of our farms (lol). In any case, I finally got my replacement ballast for my veg tent. I had to re-wire the ballast, as the plug end going to the light was very wierd and would not work. I waited to scratch my new beans until I had the tent ready. With the new ballast in place, I'm getting the germ process started tonight. My girls in the other tent are awsome at 4 weeks into flower. Here's a top pic of some Jamaican beans I brought back from Jamaica this year in the tent. Rock on dude!

Willie Plants 025.jpg
Its all good bro. I kept getting a damn recording telling me that this customer is not exsepting calls at this time or some shit. Lol.

7! Am... hahaha!! That's funny. Hell bro, I am lucky, I mean LUCKY as hell if I get 2 to 3 hours asleep a night! No joke. I don't get done with fooling with the girls till like 12:30 sometimes 1 am, then by the time I lay down its around 1:15 or so, then the wife has to get up to go to work at 3:45 am! So yup, that's my sleep time 2 & half hours!!
its almost 7 dank, sorry bout yesterday, hmu im on me telle haha
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