Dapio's 400w Mh/Hps LST Round 3!


Well-Known Member
the amount of moisture really wont mess with your plants unless you are over watering with soil I like to wait until the bucket is dry and light it allows for your roots to stretch in search of nutrients and makes for more mature healthier plants the deficiency will leave once the problem is corrected death is the only thing you cannot recover and please do not worry about asking questions I only check RollItUP about twice a day now because I like to conserve my electricity as much as possible if you have any more questions feel free to ask and i'll respond eventually


Well-Known Member
Picture 660.jpgim looking real good now new growth u think i can start flowering now. I watered veg nutes last week just watered today then im ah water one more time straight water then start flower nutes but can i start 12/12 now there about a foot tall lots of big tops they look very healthy thanks man i appreciate it thanks man u cured me lol lol


Well-Known Member
yes your new growth is nice and healthy! I would start flowering yes it looks like you have a Indica dominant strain so hopefully you will not experience to much vertical stretch what wattage light are you using I would recommend getting that light as close as possible to your canopy without causing any stress from the bulb your going to need some penetration to get past those heavy fan leaves. But to answer your question yes got 12/12 as soon as possible! :D


Well-Known Member
Just switched to 12/12 my humidity % is around 65 % how can I bring it down to 40 to 50% don't have the money for dehumidifier I have an oscillating fan mounted inside at the top of my grow room and I have cm fan in the top corner sucking air out and another cm fan at the bottom blowing air in its a 4x4x7 grow tent need help with lowering my humidity %


Well-Known Member
humidity is at 60% and has been there for a while but im thinking once i water humidity % will start to rise could i use damp rid to lower humidity % I don't want mold on my buds I want nice dense solid big healthy sticky buds


Well-Known Member
im drawing a blank here man I am not that good at environmental control my area is generally pretty self sufficient for conditions inside the house I don't how else you can lower your humidity without buying a dehumidifier I have heard they are pretty cheap perhaps try and save some money if at all possible? Try posting a thread in advanced growing techniques i'm sure someone can help you with that sorry bro :/


Well-Known Member
Hey my plants are growing extremely wild some bud sites aren't really getting a lot of light penetration can I tie some of my fan leaves down for more light penetration and can i trim the bottoms of my plants for more air flow what should I do


Well-Known Member
if you have room and the ability to tie down then I don't see why not I know your plants were Indica dominant so it seems that some of your lower bud sights will be a little undeveloped but playing around with the nodes and trying to get the light to spread to ones that are shaded by foliage is good practice flowering is the most crucial point of your work.


Well-Known Member
So don't trim anything just try and tie down as many fan leaves as i can i need a little more air flow to


Well-Known Member
no man I never trim any leafs unless it looks like there is any death in the leaf itself or some type of communicable disease has taken effect on a fan leaf its best to leave your grow on so long as it is healthy also tying down fan leaves is a bitch it is best to try and train your plants by the stem so growth that is being blocked can overcome any huge fan leaves that will eventually overgrow and shade your bud sites sometimes you just have to take your losses and try and get your light penetration in full effect flowering is all about penetration!


Well-Known Member
WP_000075.jpgI need your help again bro im in the middle of flowering I have about 4 weeks left im having a lil problem think it might be ph is to high not fa sure what u think ?



Well-Known Member
it looks like magnesium deficiency be careful how often you water those plants in flowering as less light means less water being evaporated in a 24 hour period so this means less watering should occur 3-5 days depending on the temperature of your outside environment perhaps get yourself some cal-mag if the problem persists after you check your watering intervals and yes PH is crucial in flower as far as keeping it stable this is the stage were your plant is needing every macro and micro nutrient it can get a hold of so if anything gets locked out you generally see it quite quickly make sure your PH is 6.3-6.8 in Soil and 5.5-6.0 in Hydro I would say that if not the PH it could be a magnesium deficiency though but those mid leaf rusty looking spots do sometimes appear from overwatering keep me posted man trust yourself!


Well-Known Member
I water every 4 ta 5 days I usually let them dry out a little not to much ph 6.5-6.8 i remember u telling me to go up to 10ml on the b.c boost and go up to 5ml on the thrive i don't know if that might be the problem oh and i was keeping the temp kind of cool with ac lights on 74 and lights off 66 but i cut down on the cold air a lil now im at 76-78 lights on and 71 lights off because of humidity% problem but i think my humidity is cool now 44-46% lights on and 50% lights off I'll send better n clearer pics


Well-Known Member
hmm it could be an excess of nutrients could you read off what you are putting in those ladies now a days so I can recalculate your PPM's you generally want to top out around 1600 for Indicas and 1800 for sativa dominants however it seems that some of your leaves are perfectly healthy especially at the tips of the leaf which would be the only indication that there is to much nutrients being used it kind of makes since the leaves absorb as much as they can it flows through that vein in the middle of them and once it cant take anymore it burns at the tip because its stuck and the energy needs to be released. I still say it seems to be some kind of deficiency are you using sink water? perhaps make sure you have all your essential micro and macro nutrients in your feedings I think this is magnesium deficiency.


Well-Known Member
B.C boost 7.5ml ,B.C bloom 7.5ml, awesome blossoms 2ml, thrive alive b1 red 2ml, magical 2ml, sugar daddy 6ml


Well-Known Member
you seem to be around 1500 PPM for week 4 if that is a indica plant that is a tad bit high perhaps just decrease the boost to 5mL for a couple weeks to see if any improvement occurs hopefully the problem does not persist and weaken any other growth its hard for me to help unless I was literally with you in your garden but I still say it is some kind of deficiency from the picture.