Dapio's SCROG round 1!


Active Member
I think we are pretty close to each other in flowering right now. 5 weeks and a few for me. Looking like your girls are fattening up nicely. GL


Well-Known Member
I know huh I had a feeling once it got into flowering my node sites would start to kick in, nice cool temperatures now to makes for a nice downhill ride to the finish cant wait!


Active Member
Lookin Awesome Dap, another 4 wks and that frame you worked so hard on is gonna be ready to fall from the weight of them BigBudzzzz!!! LoL.:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
ahahaa yes indeed bigbud im just chilling relaxing waiting for these ladies to bring me that fruitful harvest

I see you in that new thread i'm following!


Maybe increase your nutes a little if you think those leaves are losing their vigor earlier than expected. If you taper down at the end I can't see any real harm. Possibly sub in some of your grow formula to boost the N a tad. Apart from that things are looking very nice and healthy. Hopefully your school work hasn't stept up too much, I know how much of a hassle the grow can become when you have finishing plants or even harvest close to exams or assignment due dates. Nothing better than when things are running smoothly though. I'll be watching.



Well-Known Member
Yea Puan I thought of that but seeing signs of minor nutrient burn at week 4 I figured I was good nutrient wise
Also some of my fan leaves look completely healthy well others are suffering a curling effect at the ends it looks like moisture stress which is why I just raised the light back up to its original state the negative effects seem to be backing off now.
School is alright mid terms are approaching but I got everything under control i'm just a organized person at the core, yes I love when things run smoothly it keeps the stress low cant wait to see the final steps of this grow!


Yeah fair enough. Mmm... I guess your leaves would still be upright but losing colour if it was just a nutrient issue. Maybe an oscillating fan fancing up and under the canopy could assist with the radiant heat from your light? If sound isn't an issue that is. I just bought a quite bus driver like 12V fan. I don't mean to banter on but it's something to talk about, that may help ha. Yeah, that's good to hear. I got a wee glimpse into your personality from your clean setup and solid screen, no-messing-around, construction ha :)


Well-Known Member
Indeed I have a fan under the canopy but one for the top would be nice there is like no studs in my wall though unfortunately so its hard to get a nail anywhere without going right through some drywall and I like to do as less damage as possible just in case their comes a time where I have to get up and go. Next grow I will definitely try and work in a second fan though.


Active Member
Nice scrog! It looks in the pics that you are using some kind of rope for your screen? if so are you seeing any signs of mold or anything like that? with your 400w do you think you could of went with 5ft length by 2 wide? Everything looks good sub'd


Well-Known Member
whats up pass thanks buddy

Def no signs of mold have a fan beneath the canopy blowing 24/7 to make sure of that also my area is pretty dry.

I would not put a screen in length longer then 3 feet infact I would say that optimal would probably be 2 1/2 feet with a 400 over the top 5ft would def be overkill as the sides would be pretty far from the source of light and probably give you weak popcorn and just increase your chance for disease or mold.


Active Member
NICE! The reason I was asking is im setting up a room 2ft x 5.5ft... SO i guess i will set up two screens that are 2 x 2.5 each screen under it own 400w hps with 2 plants under each screen. I dont want to run one big screen cus i would like two different strains at a time and I can put two plant on these plant dolly things I have to make my scrogs mobile. SORRY dont mean to thread jack just want to know what you think about the plan? By the way whats up with some new pics!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
there's snow on these here mountains!

BTW anyone have any idea how I can better duct this space less slack better circulation etc. I cant drill holes :(

