Darden tests limiting worker hours as health-care changes loom


Well-Known Member
Meanwhile, Darden Restaurants CEO and top management continue to get pay increases. The most recent by 10%. The top CEO of Darden had an earnings package of 8.5 million. Other compensation included stock awards and personal benefits including use of company aircraft, executive physicals and financial counseling reimbursement. Yeah, keep cutting benefits and work hours for the regular employees. Those CEO's need all the money they can get their grubby little hands on.


None of the workers are getting pay raises even though the restaurants are not offering insurance

Can anyone see a rash of worker thefts in dardens future?


Well-Known Member
When I find that I make little more than my employees, I raise my rates or prices, I encourage them to do more, I expand my market share, I look to the future, I innovate, I nurture, I plan, I improvise - that is the essence of business. Yes it is sad sometimes to discover that after the taxes have been paid and the employees wages satisfied that we don't get as much as we thought, when a good month is actually not so good. some simply give up in the face of that. Some give up in the face of new challenges as well. Others do not and some of those others ultimately thrive.

That is business, as I said, the burden is not just on you but all of your competition as well, if they stay in business after the health care law is enacted, then they will have been doing something you are either unwilling or unable to do.

That is simply a fact.
Right, unfortunately I am in a sector that has been specifically hard. People just dont have the money to spend so raising prices would result in losing jobs. In fact, to stay working I, and everyone else in my trade, have lowered prices. In some cases those prices have lowered drastically.


Well-Known Member
Right, unfortunately I am in a sector that has been specifically hard. People just dont have the money to spend so raising prices would result in losing jobs. In fact, to stay working I, and everyone else in my trade, have lowered prices. In some cases those prices have lowered drastically.

In that event, when all of your competition goes out of business, what ever product or service you vend will no longer be offerend anywhere - that is how you portray it.


Well-Known Member

None of the workers are getting pay raises even though the restaurants are not offering insurance

Can anyone see a rash of worker thefts in dardens future?
Do you and Carne Seca go into threads, and take turns jacking eachother off all day?


Well-Known Member
Too bad
I was thinking it was so boring Buck decided to create a enemy
Becuase Im thinking no conservative could be as stupid as that fuck in presenting right wing arguments
Which right wing arguments were presented in that post? It was just an observation


Well-Known Member
a restaurant the size of an average olive garden takes a lot of experience and dedication to manage. i expect a huge exodus of capable managers equipped with all sorts of training moving to other chains, and I expect other chains to take full advantage of this little fumble to make some easy advertising.

if they want to be cheap, and hire part-timers and not give them benefits, they can expect the quality of the managing to go down, and their standards of food quality to drop dramatically and this will spell doom for the restaurants in the 'test markets'....


Active Member
You place far too much faith in the current system of free enterprise sir. Far too much. I have seen highly productive employees let go because their age causes company group health insurance premiums to rise. I have seen good employees let go due to a reduction in work force while lesser execs get bonuses for "saving" the company money in so doing. I have seen talented engineers let go so that the quarterlies look good for the stock holders.

Corporate america is not the meritocracy you claim - by far.
Except that this happens all the time, even with government eyes watching. Kodak is a great example.

So are all the businesses that filed for bankruptcy, or sold the company, so that earned pensions can be dropped and eliminated. Many individuals getting ready to retire are shit out of luck now that their pensions don't exist.