Dark circle patterns on fan leaves and a tiny bit of purple dark shading


Well-Known Member
So when I went to my grow this morning I found my pot tipped over and the plant leaning to get sunlight, but what I also noticed was dark little circles and a bit of dark/purple shading occuring on the new growth of leaves. I recently just gave it a very little bit of nutes about a week ago and it was transplanted just before that which I don't think it has anything to do with that seeing they were fine before. Idk when the pot tipped, but sometime within the last 7 days and from the looks of how the pot was tipped the plant wasn't getting too much sunlight or the best ventilation. Any input would be great, thanks.


Well-Known Member
It pretty much LST'd itself haha, look nice and hard at the picture and give me any input, thanks people. Btw, I just found out she's a female today (:


Well-Known Member
just let her grow dont give her nothing i dont see anything "wrong per say, as long as shes still growing i wouldnt worry too much


probably landed on that side when it fell over, ever see the underside of a ripe melon?- trim that leaf to prevent any spread the rest will most likely be fine.;-)


Well-Known Member
We had pretty good weather lately, but we had some storms today with a little wind so I went there to check up on her and she was tipped over again! fucking weak ass pot fell over so I picked it up and buried it into the ground a little. She took a little bit more damage (lost a fan leaf and minor abrasions) and I had to rip off a badly beaten up fan leaf as well, pissed as hell. She won't fall over no more though. 3 feminized AUTO cheese seeds coming in the mail, stay tuned (: