Dark Heart nursery

Been getting clones from them for years, but it looks like their website is gone. Anyone know what happened to them?
Looking at their IG profile, it certainly appears that they are no longer active. Some time ago I read that they contributed to the spread of HpLVd by selling infected clones but I am not 100% sure! I think there was even talk that they lost all the mother plants to the virus
Looking at their IG profile, it certainly appears that they are no longer active. Some time ago I read that they contributed to the spread of HpLVd by selling infected clones but I am not 100% sure! I think there was even talk that they lost all the mother plants to the virus
They even announced a product they were selling to combat the HpLVd. Kinda messed up to sell knowingly dirty genetics to growers and offer a cure for a price.
They even announced a product they were selling to combat the HpLVd. Kinda messed up to sell knowingly dirty genetics to growers and offer a cure for a price.
Ah then I remembered correctly! Here in Italy there are guys who are basically doing the same thing...they are aware that they have crappy and infected genetics and since there is no controlled market they have done absurd damage to all the growers who bought from them! After so many complaints someone took the trouble to test their clones and they tested ALL positive...their excuse? It was the fault of the couriers and their hygienic standards. The crazy thing is that no one here in the industry knows anything about it and this year they were present with a booth at a national hemp fair still selling those clones
Ah then I remembered correctly! Here in Italy there are guys who are basically doing the same thing...they are aware that they have crappy and infected genetics and since there is no controlled market they have done absurd damage to all the growers who bought from them! After so many complaints someone took the trouble to test their clones and they tested ALL positive...their excuse? It was the fault of the couriers and their hygienic standards. The crazy thing is that no one here in the industry knows anything about it and this year they were present with a booth at a national hemp fair still selling those clones
I’ve picked up a few cuts from store fronts out here in California. These cuts were done with tissue culture. Super clean and healthy too. Hunting seeds is fun too though
I heard about a virus years ago, but also heard they supposedly fixed it. Past 5 years I've used them with 0 issues. Gotta see who does clones in the area now, only found one dispensary and they are small, sad looking ones. I liked Dark Heart because you could buy bigger, more established plants
Haven't seen any clones recently but saw a DHN job posting about a month ago.. think it was for IPM. Speculating they're working out their operations and clones will become available again soon
Hopefully they'll get their shit together and open back up, they distributed all over northern Ca. and clones were big, and easy to find. I just called Perfect Union to check on clone availability, they told me Dark Heart closed because of bad clones, virus or something.

So they have little clones from The Clone Guys? Anyone heard of them?
Hopefully they'll get their shit together and open back up, they distributed all over northern Ca. and clones were big, and easy to find. I just called Perfect Union to check on clone availability, they told me Dark Heart closed because of bad clones, virus or something.

So they have little clones from The Clone Guys? Anyone heard of them?
DHN and Midnight farms sucked because they helped spread the dudd
Fuck them both
Hopefully they'll get their shit together and open back up, they distributed all over northern Ca. and clones were big, and easy to find. I just called Perfect Union to check on clone availability, they told me Dark Heart closed because of bad clones, virus or something.

So they have little clones from The Clone Guys? Anyone heard of them?
I can vouch for PCG cuts. Not one sick one outta lots over the years. Where in NorCal are you?
I lost so much money from cuts from DHN.
if you’ve ever dealt with the dudd you can see it in the momma material. Those motherfuckers didn’t give a fuck and kept snapping cuts. Fuck them
Didn't PCG have dirty cuts for a while though too? If not the whole Bay Area at some point?. . .not to talk shit, just sayin. FWIW I grew a PCG Belts clone, which i cloned the clone and all parts of it was absolutely FUEGO.
Why so funny?
You must haven’t gotten the HpLVD from their cuts. If you did you wouldn’t be laughing at what I posted I promise you
No I was laughing at your “fuck them” ending. I didn’t ever get a bad clone from them. Maybe sourced them one year from DH? But they were literally everywhere in NCA like @obijohn was sayin and Even harbor side carried them if I’m not mistaken? Seems like they were a $2 premium over the other clones too?? Just trying to remember

Now that I hear this BS so glad I didn’t use them much. I have enough drama. No more laughing I pinky swear promise.
Didn't PCG have dirty cuts for a while though too? If not the whole Bay Area at some point?. . .not to talk shit, just sayin. FWIW I grew a PCG Belts clone, which i cloned the clone and all parts of it was absolutely FUEGO.
Like I said, i haven’t ever got a fucked up cut from PCG. Tell you the truth though, i wasn’t picking up many of their cuts back when i kept getting fucked up ones from DHN and MF lol so not really comparable i guess but i still haven’t gotten a sick PCG cut yet.
Went and got 3 Clone Guy cuts from Perfect Union today, OG Kush, Garlic Banana and Tuscan Gelato. I'm used to getting better established cuts, these are tiny little babies. Realizing I should have a moisture dome but 32 oz plastic water bottles aren't wide enough, part of the plant would be against it which is probably not good. Tried zip0lock bags, same thing. Any DYI tips?
Went and got 3 Clone Guy cuts from Perfect Union today, OG Kush, Garlic Banana and Tuscan Gelato. I'm used to getting better established cuts, these are tiny little babies. Realizing I should have a moisture dome but 32 oz plastic water bottles aren't wide enough, part of the plant would be against it which is probably not good. Tried zip0lock bags, same thing. Any DYI tips?
I use a skewer sometimes
been reading up on that HpLVD. looks nasty. Up to 90% of plants in CA may be infected? wtf

When I read stuff like that it makes me happy I have my own 100% from-seed operation. I've grown hundreds of plants in the past couple years, quality genetics, stuff worth hunting through. I figure I'm just as likely to find something good running those kind of numbers as the big operations do, like seed junky or jungle boys i think they're called? i dunno, i don't keep up with all that.