Dark period after flowering?

If this is a fact, do you have a single source for it? Folk wisdom is not a source. Show me something from botany or plant science that says "any" plant will do "anything" with 24 hours of dark (which is not found in nature) that it won't do with natural light cycles.
Its been in the literature forever that THC is produced in the dark cycle and that Light breaks down THC, Marijuana Botany by RC Clark for one. Several books by Ed Rosenthal and Several by Jorge Cervantes have this FACT in them.
to those who are new to the site and new to growin', discussions like this are interesting, and entertaining...but mostly they spark curiousity in what might be possible.

btw, i love your pic Illegal Smile

is that an emu?
Its been in the literature forever that THC is produced in the dark cycle and that Light breaks down THC, Marijuana Botany by RC Clark for one. Several books by Ed Rosenthal and Several by Jorge Cervantes have this FACT in them.
I've read it too. I took it as "cut them down just before the lights come on".

If I remember correctly... Cervantes did not say anything about it being fact. He said "some people feel that...".

Someone recently was talking about how we often try to do the thinking for the plants. He was saying this was not a good thing to do in his opinion. I think there is some truth to that... At the same time... look at some things we do in ag like grafting trees in apple orchards... If they didn't graft we would be biting into shitty bitter little green apples, not a Honey Crisp or Red Delicious.
I've read it too. I took it as "cut them down just before the lights come on".

If I remember correctly... Cervantes did not say anything about it being fact. "He said some people feel that..."

Someone recently was talking about how we often try to do the thinking for the plants. He was saying this was not a good thing to do in his opinion. I think there is some truth to that... At the same time... look at some things we do in ag like grafting trees in apple orchards... If they didn't graft we would be biting into shitty bitter little green apples, not a Honey Crisp or Red Delicious.
Or a Gravensteins or a pink pearl or a ..........
We've had cloudy days as dark as it is bright on a night with a full moon out.

I guess you don't get clouds that thick where you're at.

I don't think the same spectrum is reflected off the moon as there is on a dark cloudy day. just sayin.....though I can't find a descent moon spectrum chart to do a comparison. cuz the clouds will just diminish the intensity of the full day spectrum. will the moon do something similar? cuz the moon is reflecting the full sun from space then through our atmosphere vs the clouds have it per-filtered through our atmosphere first. hmm...i've been wondering about this myself.
How is light degradation true? A plant gets light it whole life. R u all saying this thc is degraded? This whole thread is bullshit.
We've had cloudy days as dark as it is bright on a night with a full moon out.

I guess you don't get clouds that thick where you're at.

I'm thinking your clouds are behind your eyes.

BTW, LOL@ "the literature"
Print babbles by a flock of stoners is not science. There is absolutely nothing in the real literature to support this claim. It's like saying if you keep a cat in the dark it will turn into a dog.
I read through these silly posts and all I see is a bunch of 10 year olds arguing about whos dad can kick whos dads ass. Why does somebody ALWAYS think that they know more...or they know better?? Seriously...how about looking at it as "I know differently"...not BETTER or WORSE...what the flick? If it weren't for all the people who tried something "different" there'd be one way and one way ONLY to grow weed. Who the hell wants that? Me...I like choices, I like being able to choose a method that sounds like it would work for ME...not for some other guy in some other place with some other conditions and some other method under some other lights and some other seeds...hey I'm glad it worked for YOU...but for ME...maybe not. And I'm thankful to have all these people trying all kinds of different things...because it gives me choices. But just because I CHOOSE to do things in a different way than any of you, doesn't make my way better or worse than yours....just different. I don't care if yours smells better or smokes smoother or makes my head spin more...as long as I'm happy with what I've got (I'm the only one smokin it) then I win. This is a forum made to bring people together who enjoy the wonders of this amazing plant, whose main benefit is pain, stress, anxiety relief...in other words it relaxes you. Well...there is nothing relaxed about these forums sometimes...some days I'd swear I'm in a PMS forum for a bunch of bitchy women (no offense women...I'm quite sure I wouldnt be in such a good mood either). When I come here looking for knowledge...and I find DRAMA...sigh...just makes me wanna go smoke more weed and watch "Finding Bigfoot" (I guess thats not such a bad thing). Cant we all just group hug? Come on...after this I need a hug...anyone...anyone? Fine...I'm off to find muchies a blunt wrap and a beer...:peace:

Personal reality, eh? Sorry but some things either are or they aren't.

Either the cannabis plant evolved over millions of years in such a way that when some distantly future humans starting cultivating it, they would discover that if they treated it like it was from a planet where there is 24-72 hours of darkness in the plant's late life, it would produce more of the stuff that makes them high,

or it's all in someone's imagination.
I read through these silly posts and all I see is a bunch of 10 year olds arguing about whos dad can kick whos dads ass. Why does somebody ALWAYS think that they know more...or they know better?? Seriously...how about looking at it as "I know differently"...not BETTER or WORSE...what the flick?.

Right, lets change the subject then : Soooooo, is flushing really necessary???

.....Sorry, I just couldnt resist. :)
Right, lets change the subject then : Soooooo, is flushing really necessary???

.....Sorry, I just couldnt resist. :)

There should be a sticky...

Title: 48 hrs darkness, flushing, defoliation, High P K, High N... is it worth it?

Post #1 : Perform a side by side test and decide what works for you.

End of thread.

Aside from setting up, cleaning and maintenance of the grow room/equipment these plants practically grow themselves if you just let them. Testing new genetics out though... that's some work that is well worth your time.
Personal reality, eh? Sorry but some things either are or they aren't.

Either the cannabis plant evolved over millions of years in such a way that when some distantly future humans starting cultivating it, they would discover that if they treated it like it was from a planet where there is 24-72 hours of darkness in the plant's late life, it would produce more of the stuff that makes them high,

or it's all in someone's imagination.

Whatever makes YOU feel better...BUT in MY reality...I have tried things people say works....and it hasnt....then Ive tried things people say doesnt work and it has...you give me PROOF of YOUR "right way"...and I'll find someone who has PROOF thats you are wrong. Then you guys can argue over who's full of shit...and whos dad has bigger muscles. But in the end...just because someone CLAIMS its the RIGHT way, doesnt mean it cant be done a DIFFERENT way.
Just like the guy who tried to tell me that painting my growroom walls instead of using mylar is the right way...and he had proof...using a light meter...and oh how I was wrong. Well...I too did the comparison using a meter and I found mylar to be better in MY SITUATION. It was better than paint...did I use a different paint ? Maybe...or maybe it was my grow room that is different or my light meter or who the fuck knows...but painting was certainly not better for me. I just wish everyone would stop thinking they are the GOD OF BUD...and that thier way is best. Well I hate to break the news to all the people who have this fucked up need to be right all the time...YOUR NOT. Take it like a man (or a woman) and just go do your thing. Because I could give a rats ass what any of you think of my growing regimen, sure I'll give you my opinions and I'll tell you what WORKED FOR ME...but it might not work for you. And I'm good with that because...MY RESULTS...are much more important to ME than YOUR EGO =)...:peace:
Whatever makes YOU feel better...BUT in MY reality...I have tried things people say works....and it hasnt....then Ive tried things people say doesnt work and it has...you give me PROOF of YOUR "right way"...and I'll find someone who has PROOF thats you are wrong. Then you guys can argue over who's full of shit...and whos dad has bigger muscles. But in the end...just because someone CLAIMS its the RIGHT way, doesnt mean it cant be done a DIFFERENT way.
Just like the guy who tried to tell me that painting my growroom walls instead of using mylar is the right way...and he had proof...using a light meter...and oh how I was wrong. Well...I too did the comparison using a meter and I found mylar to be better in MY SITUATION. It was better than paint...did I use a different paint ? Maybe...or maybe it was my grow room that is different or my light meter or who the fuck knows...but painting was certainly not better for me. I just wish everyone would stop thinking they are the GOD OF BUD...and that thier way is best. Well I hate to break the news to all the people who have this fucked up need to be right all the time...YOUR NOT. Take it like a man (or a woman) and just go do your thing. Because I could give a rats ass what any of you think of my growing regimen, sure I'll give you my opinions and I'll tell you what WORKED FOR ME...but it might not work for you. And I'm good with that because...MY RESULTS...are much more important to ME than YOUR EGO =)...:peace:
Plants are going to act he same way every time. The only thing that changes this how humans treat them. We are stating scientific findings not opinions. It is scientifically proven that plants have evolved this way for a reason. Anything else is just us thinking we know better. Keep doing whatever makes you happy pal. And us scientist will continue to make progress.
Whatever makes YOU feel better...BUT in MY reality...I have tried things people say works....and it hasnt....then Ive tried things people say doesnt work and it has...you give me PROOF of YOUR "right way"...and I'll find someone who has PROOF thats you are wrong. Then you guys can argue over who's full of shit...and whos dad has bigger muscles. But in the end...just because someone CLAIMS its the RIGHT way, doesnt mean it cant be done a DIFFERENT way.
Just like the guy who tried to tell me that painting my growroom walls instead of using mylar is the right way...and he had proof...using a light meter...and oh how I was wrong. Well...I too did the comparison using a meter and I found mylar to be better in MY SITUATION. It was better than paint...did I use a different paint ? Maybe...or maybe it was my grow room that is different or my light meter or who the fuck knows...but painting was certainly not better for me. I just wish everyone would stop thinking they are the GOD OF BUD...and that thier way is best. Well I hate to break the news to all the people who have this fucked up need to be right all the time...YOUR NOT. Take it like a man (or a woman) and just go do your thing. Because I could give a rats ass what any of you think of my growing regimen, sure I'll give you my opinions and I'll tell you what WORKED FOR ME...but it might not work for you. And I'm good with that because...MY RESULTS...are much more important to ME than YOUR EGO =)...:peace:

AND how do you expect your wall to put off the same amount of light as what your friend or whoever "proved" to you it could unless you observe the scientific method and recreate those conditions? ie: same paint, light, reflector, distance from wall.... blah blah blah and so on. you amaze me. good we're glad it worked for you but really are you going to dispute nature? there ARE NO SUDDEN DARK PERIODS that continually happen on a consistent basis. so you're wrong. humans do this to plant because we think we no better than what the plant has evolved to do.
But you have to consider that the plant evolved to the conditions it was exposed to.. That doesn't mean that it would not do better with different variations to the conditions.. There are several major breeders that recommend to place the plants in the dark for 72 hrs, as well as 72 hrs when switching from veg to flower.
Not disputing or trying to argue, just pointing out a different angle.
OK, so now we have maybe, 24hrs, 48hrs and now 72hrs. Seems kinda all over the place. Would this truly be beneficial or is it strictly a personal pref like trimming before or after drying?
Trimming before and after drying in my opinion is the difference between success and pretty much destruction of quality.. dont play yourself.. its not the same.. never wet trim.. I dont care who shows what scientific study.. the user satisfaction is key.. as for the post.. depending on how in controll of your humidity you are.. i would shoot for the 72 hours.. i have done 24 hours and it was extremely effective.. I have done 48 and it was even better.. i would guess the 72 would be worth while. Good luck.. always a student!!!!!
I always do 72 hours darkness before chop and it’s definitely better IMO. To me it really has more frost. Even if you don’t see a difference the 72 hour darkness saves me on electricity bill. I just know you will gain something or lose nothing.

OK, so now we have maybe, 24hrs, 48hrs and now 72hrs. Seems kinda all over the place. Would this truly be beneficial or is it strictly a personal pref like trimming before or after drying?
Just put your plants in the dark before harvesting and like magic more trichomes.
