Dark period

This is partialy true. Thc is produced in the morning hours right before sun rise. The thc is on the plant to protect it from the damaging uvb rays. So the reason you do a dark period is to simulate a longer moring like state in which the plant is producing more resin then it would typically. I do this method for 48 hours. And no matter how long you do a dark period, you only get 2% extra resin production.

That is a false statement. THCs main purposes are to insulate the seed sack, keep heat out and moisture in. In the wild THC production is accelerated Buy UVB. This is more intense in the mid day. Where is the best Marijuana grown? Afghanistan, Thailand, Columbia, Nepal… Look at a map of the world showing UVB intensity.
The trichrome head gathers and refocuses UVB light onto the disk cell (which is on the top of the stem of the trichrome) that is where terpenes and phenols are converted to cannabinoids such as THC, CBD, and CBN.
Thanks for the info Hobie! Interesting posts. The first one, are those excerts from the MMJ guide that Oban was showing me? That looked like an awesome book!!

I was hoping Peyote might have gathered the information he posted from somewhere other than a forum posting or second hand source. Like I said, I'm use to reading journals. :)

Its pretty common knowlege.
That is a false statement. THCs main purposes are to insulate the seed sack, keep heat out and moisture in. In the wild THC production is accelerated Buy UVB. This is more intense in the mid day. Where is the best Marijuana grown? Afghanistan, Thailand, Columbia, Nepal… Look at a map of the world showing UVB intensity.
The trichrome head gathers and refocuses UVB light onto the disk cell (which is on the top of the stem of the trichrome) that is where terpenes and phenols are converted to cannabinoids such as THC, CBD, and CBN.

Thanks for proving my point lol! Yes more uvb equals more thc because it needs to protect itself. You just proved me correct. Why the fuck would you try to say I'm wrong and then prove me right? Lol. And its not to protect the seed sack. Do some reading, seeded plants produce less thc, as the plant focuses on seed production and not thc production. Again do some reading before you spout off.
fast forward to 3:20
based on your last statement "Do some reading, seeded plants produce less thc" who said anything about a seeded plant?
you also said "The thc is on the plant to protect it from the damaging uvb rays" UVB helps the plant grow..... and you call if harmful seems like a false statement to me
No need to be hostile little boy, I'm not sure how things work where your from but being an asshole wont get you far in RI. If you want to discuss this like a man and not a bitch feel free, other then that STFU and keep your e-thug drama to yourself.
Thanks for proving my point lol! Yes more uvb equals more thc because it needs to protect itself. You just proved me correct. Why the fuck would you try to say I'm wrong and then prove me right? Lol. And its not to protect the seed sack. Do some reading, seeded plants produce less thc, as the plant focuses on seed production and not thc production. Again do some reading before you spout off.

Better come up with something better then that bro!!!!!!!!
That guy needs to change his username to 'Gigabyte' because he is definently an internet G.

I'm loving the continued discussion fellas. This is fun to me! Except when non RI'ers hop in and try to shake things up.
I'm merly here to help people. I never attacked you. I'm not little boy or a g. Please tell me how I was an asshole other than give you more info. Ill leave you people in peace if you would rather live in the dark ages. And lol at getting far in riu! Lol this place makes me laugh with people like you. Have fun growing those dank seeds.
Great info guys. I've heard this before but never seemed to be able to wait that extra day or two. I'm going to experiment with this on my next harvest. Some with the dark period, and some without. I'll post the results when I have them.
Oban , IM waiting to hear if you think theirs an improvement in size and quality . Honestly It never really worked well for me .
No size improvement i will let you know about potency when it finishes drying and curing. It looks very nice and crystally, we will see, the proof is in the pudding. stay medicated
No size improvement i will let you know about potency when it finishes drying and curing. It looks very nice and crystally, we will see, the proof is in the pudding. stay medicated

Please sir Id Like some Puddin`. . .
this puddin looks pretty good in the cure, must be jelly cause jam don't shake like that. Miss you guys, stay medicated.
That long! Wow I had no idea. Hence them being buried and not attended to?

Your a great repti-dad Oban!
thanks Buddy, but they do it all themselves. All I do is keep them warm and moist. I missed you at Tams last night, we had a "very nice" harvest party. Until next time, stay medicated my friends.
thanks Buddy, but they do it all themselves. All I do is keep them warm and moist. I missed you at Tams last night, we had a "very nice" harvest party. Until next time, stay medicated my friends.

That was the same in my scorpion days. My job was just to feed them and keep 100's of containers at perfect RH%. They pretty much ate and grew on schedule! The hardest things were keeping track of them all and stopping females from eating their broods. :o

I'm sorry I missed you guys!! I gave him a call yesterday and today but I couldn't get through. I sent a message but I'm not sure if he got that either. I was guessing he was having phone problems.

Earlier in the week we were hanging just bs'ing and he invited me to the party with a tentative time. I couldn't get a hold of him though and I forget how exactly to get to his house. :(