This is partialy true. Thc is produced in the morning hours right before sun rise. The thc is on the plant to protect it from the damaging uvb rays. So the reason you do a dark period is to simulate a longer moring like state in which the plant is producing more resin then it would typically. I do this method for 48 hours. And no matter how long you do a dark period, you only get 2% extra resin production.
That is a false statement. THCs main purposes are to insulate the seed sack, keep heat out and moisture in. In the wild THC production is accelerated Buy UVB. This is more intense in the mid day. Where is the best Marijuana grown? Afghanistan, Thailand, Columbia, Nepal Look at a map of the world showing UVB intensity.
The trichrome head gathers and refocuses UVB light onto the disk cell (which is on the top of the stem of the trichrome) that is where terpenes and phenols are converted to cannabinoids such as THC, CBD, and CBN.