dark period


help I have a problem with a dark period for two weeks was light in the dark period and now confused whether it will get better if normal light


Active Member
All u can do is try. Ive heard of leaving lights out for 24 or even 48 hrs to initiate flower.if the dark period was compromised for 2 weeks after they showed their sex the might hermie on ya.good luck to ya


ya bet they will hermie if you gooffed the flower light period for two weeks......you could revert the plants....i think thats what its called...like chop ALL and ANY flowers and put them back into veg for 4 or 5 weeks...then just try again


Well-Known Member
wow two weeks is a long time to have the lighting schedule messed up, my guess is they are growing single bladed leaves or just plain messed up. i know this hurts but id start over asap to have a proper crop, ive fully grown messed up singles bladed leaved plants and its just not worth the time!! start over and leanr from you r mistakes, promise youll be happy!!