Dark Side Of The Moon.....

Went ahead & added 2 new cakes to the fruiting chamber yesterday after letting them soak for roughly 24 hrs. More Mexican & Pes Hawaiian was the strains added. PIC_0824.JPG Here is the 2nd fruiting of the Golden teacher's -> seems to be more that's popping up then previous fruiting. ;) PIC_0823.JPG

* Went ahead and ate the 1st fruiting that I had dried over the Easter weekend & had a GREAT time tripping ;)

Thanks for continuing to follow my grow.

thanks bro. ;) that's the 2nd fruiting 2.. ;) I have a few still growing on that 1 cake, then I will be re soaking for the third and I would say final fruiting. ;) I wished you lived closer to bro. Hell I would love to have someone to trip with. haha I ate a cap & stem wet an hour ago and I am feeling the effects of it a little. ;)
Love it man!! Nice looking mushrooms there :). Boy do I wish I lived closer, I havn't found any around here in about a year now. Last batch was weak too.
Your a mad man dankster. These look great.

When I was in highschool(years ago) we use to order 'shroom' kits. You literally mixed all the packets they gave you together and put them in a clear 'tupperware' style container and put them in a dark location. You weren't suppose to open the lid for a couple weeks and we always got one harvest out of them. Golden Teachers. Website was Johnsbooks.

I can handle every and any hallucinagenic sustance other than mushrooms. This is coming from someone who ENJOYS taking solo acid trips at least once a year for spiritual purposes, but some reason the mushrooms make me feel uneasy :/ I'm sure I'll end up trying them again and having the same experience...I love to go to both ends, sometimes bad trips are the most revealing if your not to frieghtend to get there.
thanks bro.. ;) mad.jpg we all become MAD sometimes. :) yeah the GT has truly turned out to be a really good strain. One of my top producers. thanks 4 checking my update out though.
Your a mad man dankster. These look great.

When I was in highschool(years ago) we use to order 'shroom' kits. You literally mixed all the packets they gave you together and put them in a clear 'tupperware' style container and put them in a dark location. You weren't suppose to open the lid for a couple weeks and we always got one harvest out of them. Golden Teachers. Website was Johnsbooks.

I can handle every and any hallucinagenic sustance other than mushrooms. This is coming from someone who ENJOYS taking solo acid trips at least once a year for spiritual purposes, but some reason the mushrooms make me feel uneasy :/ I'm sure I'll end up trying them again and having the same experience...I love to go to both ends, sometimes bad trips are the most revealing if your not to frieghtend to get there.
Its a shroomy time of year :), I'm hoping some decide that I deserve to partake and find me. I've felt for a few years now that mushrooms only come to those that the mushroom sees fit. Dank is obviously worthy :).
;) that may just happen haha.. ;) OH!!!! My prints took bro.. YAY!!! I know, I know pics or it didnt happen. Pics coming soon of that. :)
Its a shroomy time of year :), I'm hoping some decide that I deserve to partake and find me. I've felt for a few years now that mushrooms only come to those that the mushroom sees fit. Dank is obviously worthy :).