dark weed

joe godbud

Hey Rollers! Just wanted to know why most of bud I grown turns dark green most the time and taste real green like grass but gets me super stoned just kinda harsh I flush but buy dank,loud, or whatever and it's really fruity smelling and light green and frosted- _- mayb strains I picked??

joe godbud

In soil..using liquid fert...in 2nd week of flower but there of course green now I'm talking about when I cut em down it will darken...


Well-Known Member
Well a good hang dry really is the best cure. Just supposed to do it in a 60% humid/60F degree F temp environment, somewhere around that anyways. 10 days with good good control is best. Dry to fast they smell like grass/hay(is why I ask), dry to slow and you can get moldy weed. Curing is just proper storage to maintain the dry/cure longer. Some people swear the true smell and taste pop out later. While probably true, the hang dry is still super important to get the first proper smells and tastes to come out.
So that's what I got on your grass smell/taste weed.
...Idk wtf is up with the color, that's kinda weird. Could be N, could be the dry idk... could be strains. Got a pick of your finished weed? Also those plants do not appear to have N toxicity. They just look healthy. I've smoked dark green weed that smelt and tasted glorious before, but if it starts lighter and turns dark, well that just weird, somethings off.

joe godbud

That's one plant.. just growing a bc godbud.. all I grew b4 was 3 autos.. mayb since this is a non auto it will b better..how can I make hum and temp perfect like that to dry buds.. should I leave plant intact and trim then hang whole plant or by branches? I think my last grow I did the cola on branch n dried rest on newspaper in drawer.. guess I have to not take buds off stems


Well-Known Member
Just trim the larger fan leaves and hang the plant whole as possible without the each big bud node touching much. Get a humidifier or dehumidifer depending on where you live to control humidity. 60 degrees to 80 degrees is probably fine and is what most houses rooms sit at. I'm in CO so I need a humidifer to keep the RH up around 50% while the plants wick moisture from their stems, then I'll raise it up a bit, like 60%, as the plants lose some more moisture to keep the process slow, then I'll lower it a bit to finish the 10-14 day process. Need a fan, preferably oscillating, moving the air in the room but not blowing directly on the plants. As they dry on the outside they pull the moisture out of the stem. A small room is best to do it in. I've seen someone use a large cardboard box(with a few holes) with hangers in it to hang the plants on though. The cardboard wicks the excess moisture. As long as they don't dry too fast or don't get moldy you're good. It's a balancing act. Here's an interesting thread with lots of good info on it. There's another called Perfect Cure or something like that too. There's quite a few good hanging and curing threads on here. Some are simpler then others. A controlled environment hang will give the best buds though. Jars or rubbermaids do the same thing if your shit dries out too fast.
