Data is Very Strong: Marijuana Plant Extract Stops Cancers From Spreading


Active Member
Old news, but more evidence to show this ...

The data is very strong and there’s no toxicity associated with A compound found in cannabis could halt the spread of many forms of aggressive cancer, scientists say. The first research to show marijuana’s anti-tumor properties was presented at the American Association for Cancer Research meeting in Los Angeles in 2007 demonstrating that THC may activate biological pathways that halt cancer cell division or block development of blood vessels that feed tumors. It then became a target of synthetic research into THC for drugs such as ImClone System Inc.’s Erbitux and Amgen Inc.’s Vectibix.
Researchers have now found that the compound, called cannabidiol, had the ability to ‘switch off’ the gene responsible for metastasis in an aggressive form of breast cancer. Importantly, this substance does not produce the psychoactive properties of the cannabis plant.
The team from the California Pacific Medical Center, in San Francisco, first spotted its potential five years ago, after it stopped the proliferation of human breast cancer cells in the lab.
Last year they published a study that found a similar effect in mice. Now they say they are on the verge of publishing further animal study results that expand these results further.
Nonpsychoactive cannabinoids, such as cannabidoil, are particularly advantageous to use because they avoid toxicity that is encountered with psychoactive cannabinoids at high doses useful in the method of the present invention. CBD (Cannabidiol), one of the main constituents of the cannabis plant has been proven medically to relieve many diseases including the inhibition of cancer cell growth. Recent studies have shown it to be an effective atypical anti-psychotic in treating schizophrenia. CBD also interferes with the amount of THC your brain processes, balancing the psychotropic effect of marijuana. That is precisely why the power of raw cannabis is turning heads.
Speaking to the San Francisco Chronicle, study co-leader Dr Sean McAllister, said: ‘The preclinical trial data is very strong, and there’s no toxicity. There’s really a lot or research to move ahead with and to get people excited.’
While he, along with colleague Dr Pierre Desprez acknowledge that they are some way off from turning their finding into a pill, they are already developing human trial models. They hope to eventually test the drug in combination with current chemotherapies.
Professor Desprez had previously found that a protein called ID-1 seemed to play a role in causing breast cancer to spread. Meanwhile Dr McAllister had discovered the cannabidiol had anti-cancer potential.
The pair teamed up to see if they could treat a particularly aggressive form of breast cancer called ‘triple negative.’ This form, which affects 15 per cent of patients, doesn’t have three hormone receptors that the most successful therapies target. Cells from this cancer have high levels of ID-1.
When they exposed cells from this cancer to cannabidiol they were shocked to find the cells not only stopped acting ‘crazy’ but also returned to a healthy normal state.
They discovered that the compound had turned off the overexpression of ID-1, stopping them from travelling to distant tissues.
Other potentially treatable cancers are forms of leukaemia, lung, ovarian and brain cancers, which also have high levels of ID-1.
Dr Desprez has a particular reason for wanting to create a treatment as quickly as possible – his sister was recently diagnosed with aggressive breast cancer at the age of 41.
Her condition is currently receptive to hormone therapies but Professor Desprez fears it could recur in a form that lacks hormone receptors.
He said: ‘I want to be ready for that. There is a deadline.’
Cannabis is a Class B drug that is illegal to have, give away or sell. “If cannabis were discovered in an Amazon rainforests today, people would be clambering to make as much use as they could out of the potential benefits of the plant,” said Donald L. Abrams, MD, Chief of Hematology and Oncology at San Francisco General Hospital and Professor of Medicine at the University California. Dr. Abrams is widely known for his research on medical cannabis applications. “Unfortunately, it carries with it a long and not so long history of being a persecuted plant,” he added.
Marco Torres is a research specialist, writer and consumer advocate for healthy lifestyles. He holds degrees in Public Health and Environmental Science and is a professional speaker on topics such as disease prevention, environmental toxins and health policy.
A lot of people think this is one of the very reasons it isn't legal today. It could completely crash the cancer market, cannabis actually, technically being palliative, prophylaxis, and curatively mellowing for a fast society.

In other words a Cure. Can't have that.
I couldn't figure out which section to post this story (Health?). A moderator can move the article in the appropriate forum :)
A lot of people think this is one of the very reasons it isn't legal today. It could completely crash the cancer market, cannabis actually, technically being palliative, prophylaxis, and curatively mellowing for a fast society. In other words a Cure. Can't have that.
Can I get the curative part without the stone?
maybe it can "Stop cancers from spreading" but I have been giving cancer patients hemp oil and they still die just as fast as usual, maybe I am just unlucky, everyone is dropping like flies around me.
Can I get the curative part without the stone?

That, to me, is a very short sided way of looking at it. We don't know if the "stone" means a side effect or does it indicate the main cure, do we? That sensation varies wildly across different strains and across different people.

Though why you don't want a sensation is beyond me. (but, I'm not asking)
maybe it can "Stop cancers from spreading" but I have been giving cancer patients hemp oil and they still die just as fast as usual, maybe I am just unlucky, everyone is dropping like flies around me.

So sorry to hear that. I know one person that has glioblastoma and it has almost halted the growth with his brain cancer on only 6 weeks of treatment. A few more weeks and he'll have another follow up CAT. It is in an untreatable place in the brain so no traditional treatments, only pain control. So he has nothing to loose.
So sorry to hear that. I know one person that has glioblastoma and it has almost halted the growth with his brain cancer on only 6 weeks of treatment. A few more weeks and he'll have another follow up CAT. It is in an untreatable place in the brain so no traditional treatments, only pain control. So he has nothing to loose.

Well, cancer seems to be a collision of Darwinian proportions. The species is colliding with our own pollution. Deep genetic selection is occurring for those DNA snips that just can't take the modern world. So, I prevailed over stage 3 colon cancer, and hospital acquired Hep C. But, i took all the heavy, heavier, heaviest chemo, I could talk them into. And I added ganja to that, and didn't tell the doctors, of course. (never admit to drugs, tell no one)

But, if THC was in the water, we might not even get these DNA insults from our world. The clue is in those 1000s of generations where they have always used the ganja. But, did Asia, India, etc want to bust out and conquer the world? No. Or did they try, and simply denied themseleves the blue ocean navy commitment? Hard to say.

How did no alcohol fuel do for Jihad against the alcohol fueled Franks, in the late 700s. Not so good. Alcohol rules this world, not ganja, alas. Alcohol is the root of trouble in the West. It goes so well with tobacco and cancer.
Well, cancer seems to be a collision of Darwinian proportions. The species is colliding with our own pollution. Deep genetic selection is occurring for those DNA snips that just can't take the modern world. So, I prevailed over stage 3 colon cancer, and hospital acquired Hep C. But, i took all the heavy, heavier, heaviest chemo, I could talk them into. And I added ganja to that, and didn't tell the doctors, of course. (never admit to drugs, tell no one)

But, if THC was in the water, we might not even get these DNA insults from our world. The clue is in those 1000s of generations where they have always used the ganja. But, did Asia, India, etc want to bust out and conquer the world? No. Or did they try, and simply denied themseleves the blue ocean navy commitment? Hard to say.

How did no alcohol fuel do for Jihad against the alcohol fueled Franks, in the late 700s. Not so good. Alcohol rules this world, not ganja, alas. Alcohol is the root of trouble in the West. It goes so well with tobacco and cancer.

And is it an accident that these places have always had an excellent and diverse cuisine? cn

And is it an accident that these places have always had an excellent and diverse cuisine? cn

Proper Indian and Chinese foods are amazing, don't let the "take away" versions pervert your expectations.
Proper Indian and Chinese foods are amazing, don't let the "take away" versions pervert your expectations.

Oh goodness; i was praising them. I figured that stoner cultures would take food preparation pretty seriously, as opposed to, say, archery.