Database error


Well-Known Member
It looks like it's Software Sunday again. I receive a message saying I have 4 alerts, then I don't. A thread will show 3-4 new replies, then it doesn't.

(They need a new host service.).


Well-Known Member
It seems that RIU has picked up a new habit; crashing every other weekend.

NOT a good thing.


Well-Known Member
i will add in
chat access i can not get the 2 chats that i got a mail notice about
alert system is messed up can not access that

the rest ditto what the other ppl reported
check back in 12 hours


Well-Known Member
I concur

the site is acting weird as hell..getting duplicate alerts for the same posts, over and over, tried logging out. My posts show up in a group convo but the other side, I don't know if they are getting them? If I post to it, it shows up but then I get an alert that sends me back on an endless loop where my replies don't show until I post again.

Any news on when this will be resolved @sunni... or @GreatwhiteNorth... ? I haven't been on for a few days from the holidays so I have no idea how long its been like this...