

Well-Known Member
So if anyone went to this link and read it it says that after handling the plant, if you touch your eyes, they become very dialated. I was thinking if its that powerful, what would happen if you hella snorted the pollen??
you would sneeze


Well-Known Member
I still wanna try it hehe. I havnt really heard of people trying datura more then once. I mean I know its like the most powerful hallucinagenic thing out there, but hallucinations arent always hella bad, so wats the deal?


Well-Known Member
Apparently your mind is completely separated from your body... and you dont even know it... you could think you're laying down in your bed when in reality your stepping in front of a car on a highway... THATS what the deal is haha.

Apparently panic is a pretty common side-effect which is probably the worst to combine w/ any hallucinations, let alone the hallucinations caused by these things.


Well-Known Member
DATURA!!! It grow alot where i live. Ive met quite a few people who have taken it and pretty much all thier stories end up with them being naked in public and being arrested.lol

Go to erowid.com and read peoples experiences. Ive done many a hallucinogen but i stay right the fuck away from that shit!!!


Well-Known Member
My advice to you dude. Dont do it. Get some mushrooms or acid , dont take datura.
The reason why it can grow without being picked off by people wanting to get wasted is because it will fuck you up beyond you minds capability and quite possibly kill you.


Well-Known Member
im scared of that shit --- this is a guy who will pass out from ketamine, drop 3 hits of x has taken 7 hits a acid and tried designer drugs when they wused to first show up at nyc clubs and raves. i was always warned not to by hippy parents


Well-Known Member
im scared of that shit --- this is a guy who will pass out from ketamine, drop 3 hits of x has taken 7 hits a acid and tried designer drugs when they wused to first show up at nyc clubs and raves. i was always warned not to by hippy parents
Smart parents!!
I also have tried a multitude of drugs but will never ever touch datura......ever.


Active Member
hmmm, I've heard your not suppose to actually ingest it with out preperation. As in a real shaman cooking you a brew and then your supposed to apply topically. Rub some extract on your temples and what not, never on your forehead.


Well-Known Member
Apparently your mind is completely separated from your body... and you dont even know it... you could think you're laying down in your bed when in reality your stepping in front of a car on a highway... THATS what the deal is haha.

Apparently panic is a pretty common side-effect which is probably the worst to combine w/ any hallucinations, let alone the hallucinations caused by these things.

more like the opposite, your stepping infront of a car in your head and as soon as it hits you, your drooling on your keyboard with rollitup open on the 35day old midgrade bagseed thread :joint:

i also never was "Sober" enough to panic, i'd realize i was tripping (more like remember) and 10-20 seconds later i'd forget everything and my senses were like glue again just waiting to be dragged into some more nonsense

also someone else said it makes you dry as a bone, yes it dehydrates you to the point of seeing shit. the doctors will tell you, you almost died because of dehydration (so they told my buddy) and after i started tripping i honestly diddn't have a single drop of water for like 16 hours. sooooo? who knows, maybe there is more too it then dehydration?
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Well-Known Member
anyone have an actual experience

Haha yes, got the seeds from my horticulture teacher, ate like 5 palm fulls (way tooo much) takes about 5 hours to start working optimally, best thing to do is after you start feeling drowsy (within an hour or two) take a nap, you'll wake up after it kicks in if you took enough, another tip is drink as much water and or take a shower before you start tripping hard. Common hallucinations include dropping cigarettes that arent real and looking for them,
seeing a dark figure in your peripherals (made me think of the grim reaper) total loss of reality (i hallucinated my friend walking into the bathroom and not coming out, after i went looking for him i concluded him and my dad were playing a trick on me) i literally saw 3-4 friends in my room, smoking with me and i had noone over all night. I was talking to a friend on the phone and he walked into my room, so i said "One sec Neil, Justin just walked in." and he says "I am Justin" and i looked back and he was gone..

Just lock yourself in your house/room. Maybe even have someone watching you? Oh and its cool tripping this with like one other person, you'll have interacting trips, or atleast similar. Very strange stuff.


Well-Known Member
Thornapple is NOT recommended for use, for it can be lethal. The whole plant is poisonous, but the root and seeds are the most active; neither drying nor boiling destroys the poisonous properties. It can cause permanent short term memory loss. **Warning: It contains Scopolamine, Hyoscyamine and Atropine, which can stimulate the central nervous system while simultaneously depressing the peripheral nerves. This can be lethal if used by someone with a heart condition, or if used improperly. (It acts similarly to Belladonna) Medicinally, Datura has the ability to act anti-spasmodically, and it has a relaxant effect on the respiratory muscles. It also suppresses glandular secretion thereby reducing the amount of mucous excreted through the lungs. Because of this it has been used as a treatment for asthma by some. **WC** Take great care if you decide to gather Datura: touching it with bare hands can result in reactions. The pupils of the eye can become widely dilated by accidentally rubbing the eyes with your fingers after pulling the fresh leaves of Stramonium from the plant. Thornapple has beautiful trumpet-like flowers, ranging in color from white to pinkish purple, and in some varieties even to bright golden yellow and red. The flowers exude a beautiful, narcotic scent, especially at night. The seed capsules of the Datura species are usually about the size of a walnut and are covered with thorns. The appearance of these seed-capsules has given rise to the English common name, "Thornapple".

So Yes, It's Some Strong Stuff.


Well-Known Member
Honestly, Datura, Belladonna, and other deliriants are not things I like to indulge in. The trip is never worth the mental and physical cost, and you're walking such a tight rope when you do it, it hardly ever seems worth it. My first use of Datura resulted in absolute, schizophrenic delirium (granted...I took a bit much) that was worse than a bad SALVIA experience, if that gives you a reference point.

There's a reason the Datura-consuming shaman was always the most feared.


Well-Known Member
after learing so much about this mystical plant and all its powers i would love to grow a patch (not for consumption of course)


Well-Known Member
Did this when i was really young (14 at that time and sooo stupid). Tripped for 20 hours straigth. Lost my mobile phone,keys. Fell numerous times. My clothes were awful afterwards and i had mild hallucinations and voices in my head for another 24 hours. Lost sight and had HUGE pupils for 2-3 days :/.Overall... I wouldn't suggest it because it's super easy to overdose.


Well-Known Member
i dont know about the seeds ,but a whole buch of mates got arrested when i was in the army for using that shit ,they had some kind of leaf tea ,went mental and the m.police locked them up ,which i think freaked them out even more,not for me thanks , mushrooms i would take but fuck datura.