David Beckham

Pele was another famous player to go to the US in the 70's. I'm sure Jordi Cryuff did too.

The only thing that is going to help the US realise the wonders of real football is when they start winning things. They were expected to do well in the last world cup and played like they were a conference side.

Pele is probably the only soccer player that all americans know
They had the 4 greatest players ever ...... pele , maradona , best ,cryuff ,

and beckams the most famous player on the planet at the min,

if that cant do nothing to us football i suppose nothing will only the moneys a big diffrence now mybe the biggest money making machine in the world
I could watch basketball all day, personally. I played American Football in high school, it was alright, mostly played for the comradery though.

Baseball blows. I hate that game so much, I don't see why Europeans mock football but not boring baseball. Baseball is only exciting in tight situations, and those don't come along often enough to hold my attention.

I like watching the FIFA world cup. I agree that soccer is WAY too watered down over here. For the most part though, it just does not translate the same way. We do not like the same things that you guys do.

And the pads in football aren't for pansies, if you played football the same way with no pads, few people would survive the game. And another thing, football is not a "sport for fatties". On my team, our SLOWEST ran about a 5.2 in the 40 yard dash. High school football put me in the best shape of my life; strong, fast, lean, and mean.

Rugby is not as popular of a sport over here as it is over there. I want to play sometime, but I really don't know the rules, and I have only seen a couple games played. I feel like it is not fair to say "well you lot suck at this game, blah blah blah". I am willing to bet that most Europeans are not talented at American football. That is okay though, it is not a sport that you guys enjoy playing or watching, so why would you practice at it? The same goes for things like soccer over here, its not really a big deal, so why would we want to get better at it?

It is not that people in the U.S. are not good at sports (European teams will pay top dollar for an NBA reject, my own brother almost played for a Swiss team), Americans are just good at the sports that they want to play. The same could be said for Europeans.

You could say it is a whole 'nother country over here.

Still though, I have been over there and I like you lot. Chelsea and MU fans have a completely different mindset than Dallas Cowboy fans or Atlanta Falcon fans. I am cool with that. Its all a matter of personal taste.:peace:
Ok quick history lesson for those overseas who cant figure out wht its called footbal in the US. The original ball was regulation 12 inches or 1 foot.The ball was kicked off using ones foot and a secondary score was known as a field goal.The name Football has since then stuck and the ball has changed but is still realativly still close to the original 12 inch ball.So thats why its football.As far as the Us having been supposed to do good in the world cup as americans its pretty much like World cup whats that and we have a team??????Soccer just doesnt excite the American public maybe as its associated with so much of mexico which majority of Americans now have issue with becasue of all the illeagls now here trying to convert the culture rather then assimilate to it and then demanding rights as if they are citizens or leaglly here.I know soccer for me growing up was always the sport if a guy played he was looked at as possible gay or soft or less of a man .It was a sport played by mexico or cheerio soft brits.Sorry if it offends but that was how it has seemed to been everywhere in the US.I know the name Pele never saw him play live or on film its just soccer doesnt have any real excitment.I saw a mention to atmostsphere made which is completely right.In the US we see news footage of world soccer occasionally and it usually shows bunch of drunk rowdy idiots burning thier stadium fighting and crushing other spectators.Not for nothing thats not real appealing.Baseball is a great game to go with a family or friend.You go cheer tail gate before the game opposite team fans give each other flake but keep it within a good time.Same be said with football.Its just a great time to go and watch a full contact hitt em hard chess match .Soccoer just doesnt contain those elements.Maybe soccer is world wide as of its inexspense to play similar to basketball.for soccer or basket ball you need a ball and 2 nets baseball or football require pads, helmets cleats,bast mits, ball,umpires, well marked fields,uniforms,and many other small items that add up.Its proven as even in America Basketball in the inner city has over taken baseball due to cost and space.Kids on a parking lot with a ball and basket can play basketball but not baseball.To each their own I just know if you ask 90% of americans to name 5 great current soccer players they would look like a deer in the headlights and youd probably get Beckham or pele as an answer which would let you know the US interest in the game and its atmostshpere
I doubt it, americans are fat bastards watching football for the stupidest reasons. scoring dont even amke sense first point = 6 + a punt. Basketball u run and dribble boring, baseball just overall gay. Soccer is fun and exciting.

2006 Fifa world cup , final game. Italy Vs France.

France player (forgot) head buts an italian team player. lol its awesome

Yeh we remember that Cup, thats the one where the Italian fag took a dive in the Square against Australia and did the typical, hold his ankle like its just been snapped in half only to get up a minute later and run off, its a game about who can fake an injury the best to secure tactical advantage, If that stuff happens in Rugby League the player is lambasted in the media for being a sook. Full contact my arse, have you seen a punch on in Soccer, I have seen better fights between two women.
Actually we have a DVD out in Australia celebrating the Rise of Soccer from Obscurity in Australia, Its Called "Sheilas, Wogs and Poofters"
Yeh we remember that Cup, thats the one where the Italian fag took a dive in the Square against Australia and did the typical, hold his ankle like its just been snapped in half only to get up a minute later and run off, its a game about who can fake an injury the best to secure tactical advantage.

Harry Kewell would know all about that. I watched that ozzy puff take a dive against a conference side (this was just after Liverpool signed him), and win a penalty. Well known diver Kewell. Now Lazaridis, he's a good player. Good old 'no-neck' lol.
Ok quick history lesson for those overseas who cant figure out wht its called footbal in the US. The original ball was regulation 12 inches or 1 foot.The ball was kicked off using ones foot and a secondary score was known as a field goal.The name Football has since then stuck and the ball has changed but is still realativly still close to the original 12 inch ball.So thats why its football.As far as the Us having been supposed to do good in the world cup as americans its pretty much like World cup whats that and we have a team??????Soccer just doesnt excite the American public maybe as its associated with so much of mexico which majority of Americans now have issue with becasue of all the illeagls now here trying to convert the culture rather then assimilate to it and then demanding rights as if they are citizens or leaglly here.I know soccer for me growing up was always the sport if a guy played he was looked at as possible gay or soft or less of a man .It was a sport played by mexico or cheerio soft brits.Sorry if it offends but that was how it has seemed to been everywhere in the US.I know the name Pele never saw him play live or on film its just soccer doesnt have any real excitment.I saw a mention to atmostsphere made which is completely right.In the US we see news footage of world soccer occasionally and it usually shows bunch of drunk rowdy idiots burning thier stadium fighting and crushing other spectators.Not for nothing thats not real appealing.Baseball is a great game to go with a family or friend.You go cheer tail gate before the game opposite team fans give each other flake but keep it within a good time.Same be said with football.Its just a great time to go and watch a full contact hitt em hard chess match .Soccoer just doesnt contain those elements.Maybe soccer is world wide as of its inexspense to play similar to basketball.for soccer or basket ball you need a ball and 2 nets baseball or football require pads, helmets cleats,bast mits, ball,umpires, well marked fields,uniforms,and many other small items that add up.Its proven as even in America Basketball in the inner city has over taken baseball due to cost and space.Kids on a parking lot with a ball and basket can play basketball but not baseball.To each their own I just know if you ask 90% of americans to name 5 great current soccer players they would look like a deer in the headlights and youd probably get Beckham or pele as an answer which would let you know the US interest in the game and its atmostshpere

If football doesn't excite the American public, how is that LA Galaxy have made millions just from shirt sales alone? How is that they can afford to pay upwards of £150, 000,000, for one player? If there was no interest in real football in America then the sport wouldn't have so much money to throw around.
I think use are right football will never take of becouse in america as you,s say its played by the poofs and it has no roots out there america

But there,s been a massive change in US footy in just a few weeks its on normal tv weekly here (NOT CABLE) even if it seems no diffrent there there been big changes and the more money the more players names use will reckonise then the other teams have to buy big to compete and b4 you know it the brazilians will be moving to america to play instead of spain and italy it ony can grow even if use dont watch it every were else would still watch

america,s diffrent from austrila i think most of the football countrys would like america bringing better teams out an africa was another who are now bringin good teams out
austrila want to be part of footy but are just poofs and cant play lol

But if its going to turn like american football id rather not its like a circus with middle age women singing on the pitch bloons and clowns fake like wrestling
baseball i would call a proper american sport (coz jack nicklison says so lol)
and i think american boxers were always the best in the buisness but that disapired once tyson went to jail
Half of the English premiership has been taken over by Americans. Bill Gates, had an interest in buying Southampton not too long ago. The Glaziers have bought Man U. Randy Lerner owns Aston Villa.

If you ask me, the yanks love football. It's all that fighting before and after the game that frightens them.
You ask if americans dont have interest in soccer how do they have a la galaxy team and how did they make so much jersey money on Becks shirts,Well thats because of outside the US sales.Other countries like this stuff and in the US its the illegal Mexicans which LA is heavy with that go to games not Americans illegals and foreign sales.If you looked at US sales of soccer appearal youll see its very small its soccer fand from outside the US especially with Beckham.Our pro team where I am in the US doesnt even get tv or radio play other then the spainish am station Ley.It just doesnt translate here.
You ask if americans dont have interest in soccer how do they have a la galaxy team and how did they make so much jersey money on Becks shirts,Well thats because of outside the US sales.Other countries like this stuff and in the US its the illegal Mexicans which LA is heavy with that go to games not Americans illegals and foreign sales.If you looked at US sales of soccer appearal youll see its very small its soccer fand from outside the US especially with Beckham.Our pro team where I am in the US doesnt even get tv or radio play other then the spainish am station Ley.It just doesnt translate here.

There are football (real) academies in the US. Are you saying that the US national team is made up of mexicans?

Mexicans buy all your football shirts? Mexicans are the only ones going to games?

Some of our pro teams do not get their games aired either, in fact quite a lot of them don't. Only really the teams from the premiership are recorded, maybe around half the championship too. The rest don't get aired.

Nice history lesson btw. You called it football because you kick it to start off the game, whereafter you run with it in your hands and THROW it around. LOL. Honestly, you guys just got confused. Got everything all mixed up, couldn't even get your spelling right after us colonials left you to your own devices.
Brings a jerk to the heart and a tear to the eye...:cry:

beautiful stuff. Ever felt an atmosphere like that? It travels the full length of your spine, and takes it's time doing it. Pure emotion, a hundred thousand-fold.
Over there? as in here? North America? most people dislike soccer where im from, i maybe see a soccer match on once every month, i HATE soccer, booooo, david beckham wont make it any bigger... i dont mean to insult you or anything, but how would you know if it will take off in north america, boooo... (no offense)
As soon as NFL Football and NCAA Football starts, no one is going to give a Fuck about soccer and Beckam! :joint:

And thats the way it should be.

Why should Americans give the steam off our piss about soccer?

Football Rules.
NFL is King! :mrgreen: :twisted:

You can debate soccer all you want, but it simply will not compete with American Football, NFL..

Its a fugging tabloid frenzy right now.. ... The cute British couple comes to America with their singing, soccer, and British accents..

The contract Beckam signed was ridiculous. $250 million for 5 years on his down side.. He'll be hurt half the time, just wait and see..


Over there? as in here? North America? most people dislike soccer where im from, i maybe see a soccer match on once every month, i HATE soccer, booooo, david beckham wont make it any bigger... i dont mean to insult you or anything, but how would you know if it will take off in north america, boooo... (no offense)

As soon as NFL Football and NCAA Football starts, no one is going to give a Fuck about soccer and Beckam! :joint:

And thats the way it should be.

Why should Americans give the steam off our piss about soccer?

Football Rules.
NFL is King! :mrgreen: :twisted:

You can debate soccer all you want, but it simply will not compete with American Football, NFL..

Its a fugging tabloid frenzy right now.. ... The cute British couple comes to America with their singing, soccer, and British accents..

The contract Beckam signed was ridiculous. $250 million for 5 years on his down side.. He'll be hurt half the time, just wait and see..



Two excellent quotes from the cream of America's youth. Do they experiment on you as children, in the US?

Cute British couple, AND they have British accents... lol, who's ever heard of such a thing?