Day 11 and still no roots?!?!?!?!?!


Well-Known Member
Well, wtf I have a ez cloner, and its now day 11-12 since cutting ad still no roots wtf? I have Ph 6.2, and KLN root, resivor temp low 70s!

Also how do I know what it looks like before roots appear? I see little ball looking things on the stem, are those roots preparing to pop out?
I'm not an expert nor will I claim to be. But I'd like to help. Ive been doing a lot of reading into Jorge's new book.

So, I guess I have a few questions. 1. What are some of the characteristics of your clones? Are the leaf tips starting to yellow? Are the clones still rigid? Can you throw up some pix? Is it possible you could pull up clone and look for a root ball?

Either way it may just be taking its time. I believe the number is 10-21 days before they have roots coming out of the sides of your grow cubes.

Hope I can be of some help! I know you'd do the same for me hehe.


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately no camera here to take pic, my cuttings are well green haha they look fine as for the root ball, no roots just like what I describe as white pollyps. Mind you its the ez cloner so no cubes yet, just the caller holding the cutting!


Well-Known Member
I have cloned over 10 different strains.
Some take off in 10 days then others have taken 3 weeks or more.
Keep us posted! If things look wilted or there is no progress by day 21, they probably wont take root and it'll be time to let em go. Fingers crossed tho! Good luck


Active Member
My clones first grow a clear/white ball where the leaves were cut from the stem that is exposed to the water from the cloner... same with where i angle cut then split the bottom of clone... wait it out