Day 16 from seed - hows she look?


Well-Known Member
So this is just a bagseed grow from some proclaimed girlscout cookies.

This is her 16 days after breaking dirt. Popped out 9/23.

Is she looking good so far? I love how short and bushy she is getting.

So I did a bagseed grow because I got a whole new setup and wanted to be sure I know my system & environment before popping the white widow fems.

Since clearly I want to get my widow going... I'm flowering this now after about 1 week of growth. She's been in flower for 3 days so far. Dont flame please, this is being done because I want to get the good seeds goin. I am not limited on space or anything at all.

Lookin good or am I missing something?

Shes on FF Grow Big, FF Big Bloom, and Tiger Bloom. All at 1/2 strength right now.


Kind Sir

Well-Known Member
What medium are you using? Be careful not to cause nute burn. Do you have a oscilatting fan on her? Temps?

It looks good though man, everyone will say that it looks good. Keep reading. Look into organics.. ( ;


Well-Known Member
Temps: 76 F
Humidity: 50%
Medium: FF Ocean Forrest

I should have mentioned... I just gave her her first nutes 3 days ago - the 2 weeks beforehand was all just distilled water. Growth slowed so I started nutes.

I do have a fan, I have an inline duct fan as input in the bottom of the tent and a fan uptop as well for output. Keeps temps and humidity nice.

I also have a fan inside the tent that is stationary but I rotate it 4 times throughout the day.

Thank you for the input :)


Well-Known Member
I've also been keeping a close eye on the tips for nute burn, no signs yet. The pot is 5 gallon with great drainage and oxygen.

If signs start i'll flush her.

Kind Sir

Well-Known Member
Be careful using straight distilled cuz it doesnt have calmag that is necessary. I nust use cold tap water in a bucket that sits out for 24-48 hours.

mark davies

Active Member
I have a hole in the grow at the bottom with fresh air getting blown in and up the top i have a hole going into my attic, will be adding a carbon filter exhausting it our into a attic vent. Gonna start flowering monday i think... wont get alot but its my first grow so happy with anything. Topped the plant twice


Enigmatic Ways

Well-Known Member
Be careful using straight distilled cuz it doesnt have calmag that is necessary. I nust use cold tap water in a bucket that sits out for 24-48 hours.
Lol careful using distilled, you should be more careful when using tap water, it's so much garbage in tap water.....Besides if you're using quality nutrients you shouldn't have to worry about Cal Mag deficiencies.

Kind Sir

Well-Known Member
I was saying that as the plants are small and didnt realize he was adding nutes already. You dont have to be rude, dick

Kind Sir

Well-Known Member
So did you end up with any burn or no? I wont bug you again, but its fun and saves money/plus Ive seen alot of people with great results going organic.

Get to play with a worm farm/compost bin, researching ammendments and what they can besides their nutrient value. The people in the organic section are good people as well, very helpful. Just a thought for the future, as I wish I wouldve started organically.

Im new myself but if you have any issues, Id be happy to try and help. Put up a picture if you have time this weekend.

A grow journal wouldnt be a bad idea either man! Good luck with everything.