Day 16 of flower, no buds, only 2 pistils, should I cut fan leaves?

I have four plants and there is one much larger one, I'm just wondering, the larger one there is more fan leaves and they're biiiig. The flowers are having a tough time growing, should I cut mostly all of the fan leaves off so they get light? I'm new to growing, so I don't know what to do as far as cutting leaves off. They're in day 16 of flowering and I have no buds forming and only 2 little pistils on the 'main stem' thanks


Well-Known Member
Don't cut anything green, if the leaf is yellowing and dying anyways I'd say its ok to remove. U can always bend em outta da way so ur nodes get more light, but those fan leaves r what collects and stores the energy received from the light and nutes in the soil, most ppl would say removing healthy leaves will only take away from plant growth. The other thing is unless ur rushed for time its usually easier IMO anyways to let the plant veg until it tells u its ready to flower by showing u preflowers and pistils while still in veg. Like my plant here I waited till it had preflowers in veg now its 2 weeks into flowering.

2012-07-03 09.36.34.jpg


Well-Known Member

dont cut fan leaves .. they are the engin of your plant .. never do it ..

16 days seems like a long time .. what strain is it ? and do you have total darkness doing your night time .. and I mean total !

Ooh yea and some pictures always help ..
It's completely dark. No leaks at all. Also it is unknown. I have 3 blue dragon and the big plant is the one I wanted to cut the leaves from but don't know what strain. It is indica though


Well-Known Member
indica .. it schould be flowering by now .. mine begon after 3 days to show signs .. but I alos waitet untill it was way pass maturity (7 wekks or so) and had randomly internods ..

and dont cut fan leaves .. they are used to collect sun .. that start a proces that take up nutriens and water micros and trace elements aso. and make your plant grow .. another thing .. you dont want to stress your plant .. specialy not in flowering .. and you will by removeing leaves ..

how ever you can remove small low bud sites .. they dont produce anything .. they actualy use plant energy to grow .. and if they have`t a changes of ever getting any light its better to pince them off .. so plant dont have to wast energy on sumthing you realy dont want to smoke ..