Day 18 Cfl bagseed.. Thoughts?


New Member
Hey guys,
This is my first post and I'm wondering how you guys think this plant look at 18 days! What do you guys think? Constructive criticism only please haha

image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg


Well-Known Member
It doesn't look like it needs nutes yet, but if you want to give it some, I would go with 1/4 strength of what the package recommends and slowly increase to full strength over a couple weeks. If the leaf tips start to get brown, you will probably need to back off the nutes. But from what I can see, it looks as though your plant is healthy and on its way to growing big buds for you. Biggest problem with most new growers is over fertilizing and over watering. Better to underfeed and correct from there than to over feed and do permanent damage to the leaves. Happy Growing :bigjoint:


New Member
Okay. Thanks man sounds great!
Also one more question..
The closer up pictures show the early female preflowers, correct?


New Member
Nope, you won't see pre-flowers until the nodes start to alternate. those are just spicules.
The spicule is the pointed part, which is shaped differently on pollen sacs. They are indeed preflowers, the main ball part is not football shaped like a pollen sac.


Well-Known Member
I see spicules and in another picture, I see new nodes popping leaves out, but I am not going to try and prove it, I would rather suggest googling anatomy of a cannabis plant and see what comes up, or google cannabis spicules, or even cannabis pre-flowers.

too many commas, too stoned!!!

Ace Yonder

Well-Known Member
Lookin' good, one bit of advice tho, wrap that bottle in duct tape or something, light will shine right through that clear bottle and can cause damage to the roots that become exposed as they circle it. Duct tape, or anything opaque really, will prevent that. Other than that, lookin' awesome!


New Member
Thanks man! That's a great idea. I read about the light hitting the roots once but I also read that a clear container helps to prevent it from becoming root boys because it keeps the plant the correct size for the container. Glad to hear some more input!


Well-Known Member
There not pre flowers just yet .... There the stiples ( pointy leafs up ) and new leaf growth.....
.no pre flowers defo!!


Well-Known Member
I just saw that the seed case is still attached -- I leave mine on too just to see how long they'll stay there. They've never stayed on that long I don't think -- nice :clap:


Well-Known Member
Are you going to repot? If so bury that stem a little deeper.
If not, get a fan blowing on it then increase the speed to thicken the stem. Don't want it to break from weight of flower.